Dirty Grandpa
Dirty Grandpa is a 2016 American buddy sports romantic sex comedy film about a lawyer who drives his grandfather to Florida during spring break. The film was directed by Dan Mazer and written by John Phillips. It stars Robert De Niro and Zac Efron in the leading roles, with Aubrey Plaza, Zoey Deutch, Julianne Hough and Dermot Mulroney in supporting roles. It was filmed on location in Atlanta from January 19 to May 9, 2015. The film was theatrically released on January 22, 2016, by Lionsgate. It grossed $105 million worldwide, and received negative reviews by critics, several of whom called it the worst film they had ever seen.
Hey, man, can you slow down? You're making this very difficult. What the fuck! That was you who drew all those dicks on me last week? - Yeah, I drew the dicks. Busted! - Oh, my God! Oh, shit! Don't worry. Get up. We'll cut through the back roads. - Wait, what? - You navigate. I'll drive.
Dirty Grandpa
- Shadia! - Jason? Stop the bus! I need to talk to you! What are you doing here - in an ice cream truck? - Stop the bus! - Okay! - Pull over! I'm not pulling over! Thanks a lot, Pam! You narc! What! I'm not a narc, Barry! Fuck you! Pam, you know him? Barry? Yeah, he's, like, my best friend. I sold him, like, six tons of ecstasy... Oh! That's why they're not stopping the bus. It's full of drugs. Classic Pam. - I know that man. - Stop the bus! - Jason, where are you going? - What are you doing?
Dirty Grandpa