Dirty Grandpa

Dirty Grandpa is a 2016 American buddy sports romantic sex comedy film about a lawyer who drives his grandfather to Florida during spring break. The film was directed by Dan Mazer and written by John Phillips. It stars Robert De Niro and Zac Efron in the leading roles, with Aubrey Plaza, Zoey Deutch, Julianne Hough and Dermot Mulroney in supporting roles. It was filmed on location in Atlanta from January 19 to May 9, 2015. The film was theatrically released on January 22, 2016, by Lionsgate. It grossed $105 million worldwide, and received negative reviews by critics, several of whom called it the worst film they had ever seen.

Let's go.

Dirty Grandpa

Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Go! Go! Chug!

Dirty Grandpa

It's actually kind of fun.

Dirty Grandpa

Yeah, I'm not really, you know, for sure... ...per say... ...what we're doing after graduation. I mean, - we have offers to play... - Blah, blah, blah... ...professional lacrosse in Europe, - but a bunch of agents - Words, words, words... also want us to start modeling, so... And again, we're talking about this fat fuck right here? You guys... Uh, you have to come see this right now.

Dirty Grandpa

All right, our team won! Let's celebrate by buying local drugs from a reputable, local drug dealer. Hey, what are you doing here? I'm selling drugs, man. I'm trying to put my kid through preschool. How honest is that! Touching my face a lot, bro. Touching my face a whole lot, man. Why don't you take some of this. This'Il mellow you out. - What is it? - E-cig, bro. "E" is for "Weed"! Sure, why not? Yeah, ooh, that's a big... That's a big one. Oh! Whoo! Just be glad you didn't smoke this, man. This is crack! - What? - Oh, yeah! This one... Oh, wait a minute... Maybe that one's crack and this one's weed. Hang on. What'd you do now, Pam? Fuck. Hold on. Which one's crack? Okay. I got this. Don't freak out. Sorry to worry you, man. You're not gonna believe this. - They're both crack. - What? And you have taken an amount that will probably kill you in about 30 minutes. - I just smoked crack? - Yeah. But just, like, a lot. I just smoked crack.

Dirty Grandpa

I just smoked crack!

Dirty Grandpa

USA! USA! USA! USA! Told you.

Dirty Grandpa

He's fine. He's just a little drunk. Whoo!

Dirty Grandpa

Everybody loves crack! Bee loves crack. Bee loves some crack. We should probably go help him.

Dirty Grandpa

Sting? You're stung!

Dirty Grandpa

Oh, shit, I just found my queen. All right. Okay, let's help him. Excuse me. Jason!

Dirty Grandpa

- Hey, Jason. - Jason.

Dirty Grandpa

- Jason. - Jason. Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo.

Dirty Grandpa

I'm gonna live forever!

Dirty Grandpa

Party on!

Dirty Grandpa

Oh, shit!

Dirty Grandpa

One, two, three... - Hello? - Where the fuck have you been? Uh... we got to Grandpa's a little bit later than we thought last night, and my phone charger wasn't working. Well, you know we missed the deadline for our wedding announcement to be in the Times. Where are you? Are you close? Um... Listen, Grandpa got really upset last night. So I'm just getting a little bit of a late jump here. I want to show you the bouquets for the bridesmaids. So switch to FaceTime, okay? Shit! Baby, the reception at Grandpa's isn't very good... - Jason, just fucking do it! - Okay, one second. Switching over. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Is that sand on your face? It's just sawdust because I was helping Grandpa in the garage, so... I naturally got the dust of the saw on the face. - Hi, honey. - Jason. - Mom? Dad? - Is that writing on your face? Oh! I was working on my vows late last night and... Hmm... And I fell asleep and I got some pen on my face, so... Yeah, that must be the exact thing that happened. Yeah, Meredith called us because she hadn't heard from you all night. We got the rabbi here to work on the vows.

Dirty Grandpa

- Boker tov, Jason. - Hey. Shalom. No, Jason, really... What is on your forehead? It's a swastika of penises. No, that's not what it is. Acting as a pinwheel of ejaculate... No, no, no, it's a FaceTime effect. All the kids are using them these days. There's a Hanukkah one. See?

Dirty Grandpa

I don't like that one as much as the swastika full of dicks. Okay, let's discuss the wedding vows. Jason, why don't you begin by telling us all what it is you like about Meredith. Yeah, where do I start? She's... - Hello. - Uh... - Hello, buzzy bee. - What? If you can't think of anything, lean into them looks, dawg. Can I touch buzzy bee? I've loved her for... No, you can't touch buzzy bee! Um... I love the way that she, um... What are you doing? Stop it! Go away! You're getting me in... Fuck, go away! - Your buzzy bee looks so fluffy! - What did he say? - I just don't know where to start. - Let me touch buzzy bee! - You can't have the bee! - What? I want to stroke the bee! You can't stroke the bee! Okay?

Dirty Grandpa

- I want to kiss buzzy bee! - You can't kiss the bee! I love the way that she kisses. - Ow! Kid! - Hey! - Oh, my God... - Hey! - Fucking pervert! - Oh, no. I got to go right now. I'm sorry. I love you. Bye! No, no, no! Jason! Jason! Come on. I told you to stay with us.

Dirty Grandpa