- Scarlet? Scarlet? Scarlet. - Hi. - What are you doing here? - You seen Alex? He's not picking up his phone. Alex is fine. Alex is fine, believe me. In fact, with the way things are going... ...by the end of the night Alex could have a girlfriend. - Alex has a girlfriend? - Yeah, and she's great. She's cute. - Come on, I'll show you. - Where? Walk up the stairs. Walk with me for one sec, I'll show you. So how ever did you get the newest version of Halo? It's not due out for another six months. Well, let's just say I said some things to the Make-A-Wish people... ...that I'm not totally proud of.
17 Again
Go! Go! Go!
17 Again
- You little... - Shh, shh, shh, hello? Hey, buddy. No, no, no, I got time. Ha. I know, right? Look, listen, she was my doubles par...
17 Again
You're the best decision I ever made, I just forgot.
17 Again
...20 years.
17 Again
Yeah, I'm gonna put you down because this was a lot easier before.
17 Again
Hello?! Hello?! What the? Oh, no! Oh, man.
17 Again
She doesn't put out, anyway.
17 Again
Anyways, I, uh, came over here... I was looking for you. I wanted to invite you to my party. I don't know if you want to come. - Yes. I would love to. - Yeah. - Great. That's exciting. - Thank you! - Aah! Yay! - Yes. Yay. - Thank you. - That's very exciting. I know, it's great. Ha, ha. See you tonight.
17 Again
Hey, Mike?
17 Again
17 Again
Buddy, I got you a little something for your first day at your new job. Don't think about how much it cost, it's not much.
17 Again
Hey! You're getting that big promotion today, right? Yes. Yes, I am. Today everything turns around for me. Knock them dead. I love you!
17 Again
Thank you for letting me stay here, Ned. Oh, yeah. No problem.
17 Again
Hey, you got me a whistle.
17 Again
Don't blow it. Play big.
17 Again
...a four-hour erection isn't such a terrible thing.