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Conserve some oxygen in there. Don't scream, you have a limited amount of oxygen.

17 Again

Haven't seen you practice this hard since school. Yeah, you know, if I want to impress these college scouts... ...then I need to stay focused. Wait, wait. You're not still trying to get a scholarship, are you?

17 Again

Jane! Jane!

17 Again

However, let's get real. I know asking high school seniors to be abstinent... like asking a porcupine to poop goat cheese. Yuck.

17 Again

- Yeah. - That's nice. That's really nice. He really needs a male role model. - He's a great kid. - Mm-hm.

17 Again

So I look like your dead dog? I'm just really nervous, and I've wanted to talk to you for so long. - What am I thinking? - Don't worry about it. Really. - Alex? - Oh, my God, you know my name. You're on fire. - Really? - Literally, you're on fire. What? Literally on fire. Whoa. Okay. Yeah, I'm gonna get out of here. Later.

17 Again

- Stan! - Boys, stop it!

17 Again

You can? No, not at all.

17 Again

Gosh, we are all in such great shape. Oh, jeez. Man, you know, I will tell you something. In 10 years you're going to have this thing right here... ...that no amount of crunches will get rid of. And spot reduction, total lie. You know, I...

17 Again

"Scarlet... ...before you go through with this... ...I want to remind you of September 7th, 1988. It was the first time that I saw you. You were reading Less Than Zero. You were wearing a Guns N' Roses T-shirt. I'd never seen anything so perfect. I remember thinking that I had to have you, or I'd die. Then you whispered that you loved me... the homecoming dance. And I felt... peaceful... ...and safe. Because I knew that no matter what happened from that day on... ...nothing could ever be that bad. Because I had you. Uh... And then I grew up... ...and I lost my way. And I blamed you for my failures. And I know that you think you have to do this today. I don't want you to. But I guess... ...if I love you...

17 Again

I said we could do it! - Called it. Did you see the look on Stan's face? Alex? What happened at the tryouts? How'd it go? It was good. Mark had a great tryout. He played great. - Yeah. - And so did I. I made the team. Really? Oh, great! That's so good. I'm so proud of you. Me too. He did great out there. Oh, Mark. That's super inappropriate. L... Good job today. - Good job! - Thanks. I want to show you something. Come here. I wanna show you guys.

17 Again

I'm going back to high school, Ned! No! No, no. No way. Your spirit guide would not waste transformation magic... ...on you reliving your senior year and going to prom. No. Ned, this is my chance to have my life over, but to do it right. - Wouldn't you, if you had the chance? - No. I'm rich, and nobody stuck my head in a toilet today. Sure. Besides, it's not just about me. - It's about you. - No, it's much bigger than me. - It's about you. - Okay, maybe it's about me... ...but what's wrong with that? I have not done anything for me since 1989.

17 Again

I realize that whole lady cougar hunting... ...the "mothers I'd like to," you know, whatever, thing... big with you guys, right? With you high school boys? But that's not gonna happen between me and you. I didn't even mean it that way. I was thinking more along the lines of business experience, college application. But if you want to go there, that's... - So I'll just get you a shovel, then? - Yeah. Okay. What?

17 Again

Mark. Mark, we should go practice, dude. The game's on Friday. Mom, such a good job. What do you think? It's amazing. When people see how talented you are, you'll be designing gardens all over the city. Really? Well, thank you, Mark. That's nice. Oh. - I have to go. I have a date tonight. - You have a...? You have a date? I'm going dancing, which is ridiculous because I'm a terrible dancer. - You're an amazing dancer. - What?

17 Again

- Scarlet? Scarlet? Scarlet. - Hi. - What are you doing here? - You seen Alex? He's not picking up his phone. Alex is fine. Alex is fine, believe me. In fact, with the way things are going... the end of the night Alex could have a girlfriend. - Alex has a girlfriend? - Yeah, and she's great. She's cute. - Come on, I'll show you. - Where? Walk up the stairs. Walk with me for one sec, I'll show you. So how ever did you get the newest version of Halo? It's not due out for another six months. Well, let's just say I said some things to the Make-A-Wish people... ...that I'm not totally proud of.

17 Again

- Okay, I don't know how to act normal. - Clearly. It's the story of my life. I'm not smooth. I'm just trying to impress you, okay? I'm not the kind of guy who comes to places like this. I'm a dork. The kind of guy who spends 10 grand... ...on Gandalf the Grey's quarterstaff from The Two Towers. Yes, that does make you a dork. Especially since Gandalf the Grey was only in Fellowship. He returns in Two Towers as Gandalf the White.

17 Again

Oh, I just had the craziest dream. I was 17. I was back in high school, and it was terrible. Scar. Scar? I don't see a scar. Look, I know why you didn't want me to be with Stan. It's because you wanted me. You want to play games? I can play games. - No, no, no. - I'm a hungry lioness... ...and you're a baby gazelle.

17 Again

Well, I think Hayden would be lucky to have you.

17 Again