All right. Excuse me! Whoo-hoo! Little fella? Hello! Don't be rude. Say hi. Ha. Hello. - His son Bingo- - Nemo. - Nemo was taken to- - Sydney. Sydney! And it's really, really important... that we get there as fast as we can... so can you help us out? Come on, little fella. Come on. Dory, I'm a little fella. I don't think that's a little fella. Oh! Big fella. Whale. OK. Maybe he only speaks whale. Mooo! Weee neeed... - Dory? - Tooo fiind his son. What are you doing? Are you sure you speak whale? Can youuuu give us diiirectionsss? Dory! Heaven knows what you're saying! - See, he's swimming away. - Cooome baaack. He's not coming back. You offended him. Maybe a different dialect. - Moooohhhmmooo... - Dory! This is not whale. You're speaking upset stomach. - Maybe I should try humpback. - Don't. Wooooooo... - You actually sound sick. - Maybe louder? - Rah! Rah! - Don't do that! Too much orca. Didn't it sound orca-ish? It doesn't sound orca. It sounds like nothing I've ever heard. - Oooooo! - Ohh! It's just as well. He might be hungry. Whales don't eat clownfish. They eat krill. Swim away! - Oh, look, krill!
Finding Nemo
There, there. It's all right. It'll be OK. No. No, it won't. Sure it will. You'll see. No. I promised him I'd never let anything happen to him.
Finding Nemo
There's somebody. Hey! Excuse- Dory, Dory, Dory! Now it's my turn. I'm thinking of something dark and mysterious. It's a fish we don't know. If we ask it directions... it could ingest us and spit out our bones! What is it with men and asking for directions? I don't want to play the gender card right now. Let's play the Let's Not Die card. - You want to get out of here? - Of course I do. How are we gonna do that unless we give it a shot? Dory, you don't fully understand- Come on. Trust me on this.
Finding Nemo
Look at that. Would you look at that? Filthy. Absolutely filthy. All thanks to you, kid. You made it possible. Jacques, I said no cleaning. I am ashamed. Look! Scum angel!
Finding Nemo
Oh, no. Look what you did. The water's going down. It's going down!
Finding Nemo
Not much fun for little Harpo.
Finding Nemo
Hey... you OK?
Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo
- Aah! - Aah!
Finding Nemo
- Oh, gee. - Hey, look, a mask. Read it! I'm sorry, but if you could just... bring it a little closer, I kind of need the light. That's great. Keep it right there. - Just read it! - OK, OK. Mr. Bossy. Uh, P. OK. P. Sher... Sher-P. Sher- P. Shirley? P.- Oh. The first line's P. Sherman. P. Sherman doesn't make any sense! OK. Second line. 42. Don't eat me. Don't eat me. Aah!
Finding Nemo
What is it? It's so pretty. I'm feeling... happy... which is a big deal for me. I want to touch it. - Oh. - Ooh. Hey, come back. Come on back here. I'm gonna get you I'm gonna get you. I'm gonna swim with you I'm gonna get you. I'm gonna be your best friend Good feeling's gone.
Finding Nemo
I usually forget things, but I remembered it! Whoa, whoa, wait. Where is that? I don't know. But who cares? I remembered. - Raar! - Aah! P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. I remembered it again!
Finding Nemo
Psst. Nemo. Mmm... Nemo - Huh? - Suivez-moi.
Finding Nemo
- Careful with that hammer. - Huh?
Finding Nemo
Light, please!
Finding Nemo
- Whoa! - Waah!
Finding Nemo
Nemo. Nemo.
Finding Nemo
Hello, little fella. Aah! Heh heh heh! Beauty, isn't he? I found that guy struggling for life... out on the reef, and I saved him. So, has that Novocaine kicked in yet? I think so. We're ready to roll.