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Duration: 1m36s

All right. Excuse me! Whoo-hoo! Little fella? Hello! Don't be rude. Say hi. Ha. Hello. - His son Bingo- - Nemo. - Nemo was taken to- - Sydney. Sydney! And it's really, really important... that we get there as fast as we can... so can you help us out? Come on, little fella. Come on. Dory, I'm a little fella. I don't think that's a little fella. Oh! Big fella. Whale. OK. Maybe he only speaks whale. Mooo! Weee neeed... - Dory? - Tooo fiind his son. What are you doing? Are you sure you speak whale? Can youuuu give us diiirectionsss? Dory! Heaven knows what you're saying! - See, he's swimming away. - Cooome baaack. He's not coming back. You offended him. Maybe a different dialect. - Moooohhhmmooo... - Dory! This is not whale. You're speaking upset stomach. - Maybe I should try humpback. - Don't. Wooooooo... - You actually sound sick. - Maybe louder? - Rah! Rah! - Don't do that! Too much orca. Didn't it sound orca-ish? It doesn't sound orca. It sounds like nothing I've ever heard. - Oooooo! - Ohh! It's just as well. He might be hungry. Whales don't eat clownfish. They eat krill. Swim away! - Oh, look, krill!