No, she wasn't. She was giving you the fuck-me eyes. What are the fuck-me eyes? Some women just have fuck-me eyes.
Ted 2
JOHN: We're giving you the tools, buddy. Come on, make some fucking comedy.
Ted 2
You know what we're gonna do? We're gonna oall Patrick Meighan. Who's that?
Ted 2
Let's try to keep your boyfriend under control here, yeah?
Ted 2
Dear God! Dear God in heaven!
Ted 2
Sam, you dig him, right?
Ted 2
(SINGING) Mean 0/' moon It must be fun To shine upon me as I come undone Till I'm all alone beneath the sun You mean 0l' moon With your beam you led the way And found me love I thought was here to stay Then you went and took my love away You mean 0l' moon Oh, you mean 0l' stars above The games that you play with me I could find some happiness If all of my nights were cloudy Mean 0l' moon I hope it's true You're takin' all the light that's left in you And saving it up for you know who You mean 0l' moon You mean 0l' moon Yes!
Ted 2
I'm sorry you're not who I hoped you'd be.
Ted 2
And I have.
Ted 2
I don't know, Ms. Jackson. We've done everything we can and it's all up to him now.
Ted 2
Holy shit! You should have seen your fucking face!