Look at you! This is like a total transformation. You look like Hercules or somebody. What did you do? Come on, give it to me. - I didn't do much, really. - Stop it. All right. I just did one thing. Come on, I need to know. I worked out six hours a day, every day, for the last 20 years straight. - I mean, anybody can do it, right? - Yeah.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Mmm, mmm, mmm, yeah-- Man, I told you Robbie Wheirdicht showers here during first period. Why doesn't he just shower at home like a normal person?
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
He's everybody's favorite all-around guy... Calvin "The Golden Jet" Joyner! Come on! (ALL CHEERING)
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
To a guy I not only consider my coworker, but my personal friend.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
ALL: (CHANTING) Golden Jet! Golden Jet! Golden Jet!
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
(SHOUTS) Check out my Weird Dick!
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Come on.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Hey, wait. Whatever happened to that girl that you liked in high school? Oh, God, man. The "Doogie Howser" gm. She was 14, but somehow she was a senior. She wore a cape. - Darla McGuckian. - Darla McGuckian. -"Yucky Gucky." -(BOTH LAUGH) - Didn't she have a lazy eye or something? - Two of 'em.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
You know, why not? Why not? After this-- Yeah, okay!
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
And I'll never be like Molly Ringwald.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
What? I just... I just don't want to go. Calvin, it's our 20-year high school reunion. I'm not gonna go without you. We agreed we were going. I RSVP'd for us. I just changed my mind. That's all. Okay. I see. You're disappointed about the promotion. I get it. This is not about the promotion. Okay, this has to do with me not wanting to spend my Friday night answering the "What are you doing now?" question. That's what I'll get all night. "Hey, Calvin, what are you doing now?" "I'm an accountant." "An accountant? Really? "I thought you would be the governor, man. "Wait a minute. Didn't you get voted 'Most Likely to Succeed'? "I guess we missed that one." Is this why you've been so weird and moody lately? 'Cause you're freaking out about the reunion? - No. - And what's the matter with being an accountant? You love your job. No, you love your job. I'm good at my job. It's not the same thing. Honey, that's not fair. You're a partner at your firm. Instead, I work in a building with a giant, inflatable gorilla out in front of it. Look, I don't want to be the guy that peaked in high school and, after he peaked, his life went like this... (IMITATES CRASH)
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
What? I had no idea that your life with me was such a soundless, crashing disappointment! - Don't do that. -(IMITATES CRASH) - That's not-- Don't do that. - That's the sound. You want to know the sound I'm about to make right now? The sound of me not going. That's the sound I'm making.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
I don't know the sound that that thing makes, but you know what I'm trying to do. I'm the guy that went down, okay? - Yeah. - Then my life down here became a disappointment.