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- Fine. Fine. Fine. Fine.

The Founder

Why should I settle when other men won't? - I don't know, Ray. - Maybe if I had a wife with an ounce of vision. Showed me an ounce of support. Sorry. Wrong word. - I've done nothing but support you! - Look, I'm sorry. - No. Ups, downs. Dwindling savings, your schemes. - You're right.

The Founder

- Ray? - Yeah? - We have a small problem. - Wait a minute. How can we be almost out of capital? Well, your revenue, the monthly cut of the stores. 1.4% of net. - 1.4? - Yeah. 1.9 minus Dick and Mac's half-percent.

The Founder

- Mr. Kroc? Will Davis. - I'd like to do a profile of you pegged to the opening of your hundredth location. - Sure. Call my office. - Sure thing. All right. It's these core principles that enabled me to rise to the top of the heap at a point in life when most men would be thinking about retirement. Why, we appear to have that in common, Governor Reagan. Why, you were what, 55 when you started in politics? It's why you make me look like a spring chicken. Laugh, laugh, laugh. Why look at us, a couple of Illinois boys made good. Only in America. Only in America. Only in America! Now where wa... now where was I? Ah, yes. The beginning. The year was 1954, the place, Des Plaines, Illinois. - Car is out front hon. - Be right down.

The Founder

- Boy... - So here we go. What do you mean by that? - Wax cups, Fold-a-Nooks, multi-mixers. A new idea to chase. - Those things put a roof over our heads. - At least over mine. - What do you mean over yours? Over "our" heads. - It's a good roof, Ray. It's a good house. It's a good life, if you weren't too busy to live it. We could go to the club, more than twice a year. Christ, just take a walk around the block together. Isn't it time to enjoy a little and stop chasing your tail? When's enough going to be enough for you? - Honestly? Probably never.

The Founder

Ethel! In here. - Oh boy, I saw a restaurant, I've never seen a restaurant like this in my life. They've got this fully automated system. It's called the Speedee System. - Mm-hmm. - Which is a good name for it, 'cause man it is speedy. I'm telling you it's like something sprung from the mind of Henry Ford or something. - It's revolutionary? - It's revolutionary. Exactly what it is, it's revolutionary. - And you want to invest in it? - I don't know. I don't know. I'm not sure yet. But I just know I want to be part of it.

The Founder

- Jimmy, great to see ya. - Rollie, how are ya. - Oh, wonderful. - Rollie Smith, Ray Kroc. - Hey. - Real pleasure. - Boy, I tell ya, you got one helluva restaurant here. - Well, coming from you that's quite a compliment. - My reputation precedes me. - I'm a great admirer. - Well umm... sit down. - I don't want to interrupt. - Have a seat. - Well, maybe just a minute. - This is Fred Turner my associate. - Welcome. - Steaks cooked, okay? - Excellent. Perfect. - Our intention is to ahh... expand pretty far beyond the Midwest. We're not going to settle here. We're not gonna... We're going to expand far beyond the Midwest. - You've clearly got a warm and loving home here in Minneapolis. - Yeah, so it seems. - Yeah, this town just can't get enough of McDonald's. - Here you go, sir. - Another Canadian Club for my friend. - Yes, sir. Coming right up. Thank you. In fact, I'd say there's sufficient enthusiasm to support another. A second location? - You know, come to think of it, I know the perfect person to own and operate. - You don't say? - Somebody who knows what it takes to build a great restaurant. Someone with more than 20 years experience in the food service industry. - Who? - Me. - You! Oh! That's a shock. - He's funny. I've got the know-how, I've got the backers and I've got the perfect location. Are you familiar with Hennepin Avenue? That's one of the busiest commercial arteries in the whole Twin-Cities. There's a prime site that's recently become available. Full acre on the corner of Hennepin and... - Mr. Kroc? - Yeah?

The Founder

All right. - All right, gentlemen, if you would turn to page four of your contract. That's the first set of signatures to go over. - I just have to ask you one thing. Something I've never understood. - All right. - That day we met, we gave you the tour. - Uh-huh. What about it? - We showed you everything. The whole system, all our secrets. We were an open book. So why didn't you just... - Steal it? Just grab your ideas, run off, start my own business using all those ideas of yours. Would have failed. - How do you know? - Am I the only one who got the kitchen tour? You must've invited lots of people back there. - And? - How many of them succeed? - Lots of people started restaurants. - As big as McDonald's? Of course not. No one ever has and no one ever will. Because they all lack that one thing that makes McDonald's special. - Which is...?

The Founder

Prince Castle Sales, how can I help you? - Hi, June. - Ray, how's it going down there? - Good, swell, lot of interest. - Hold on, let me fetch your messages. Let's see, Gene Rafferty from United Aluminum needs to reschedule Friday. Ed Nance calling about the refund. Sloan and Sons, they called again, we're sixty days past due. A lady from the March of Dimes, oh... We got an order, six mixers. - Six? - Mm-hmm. Some drive-in out in California. - Same place, one place. No that's... that's impossible. - I've got the slip right here. - No, I'm sure you misunderstood. You know what? Give me the number. - You got a pen? - Okay. All right.

The Founder

- Even you don't know what it is. - Enlighten me. - It's not just the system, Dick. It's the name. That glorious name, McDonald's. It can be anything you want it to be. It's limitless, it's wide open. It sounds... sounds like... it sounds like America. As compared to "Kroc". What a crock. What a load of crock. Would you eat a place named Kroc's? Kroc's has that blunt Slavic sound. Kroc's. But McDonald's, oh boy. That's a beauty. Yeah, a guy named McDonald. He's never going to get pushed around in life. - That's clearly not the case. - So, you don't have a check for $1.35 million dollars in your pocket? Bye, Dick. - So if you can't beat 'em, buy 'em. - I remember the first time I saw that name stretched across your stand out there. It was love at first sight. I knew right then and there, I had to have it.

The Founder

- Hello, McDonald's. - Hello, good afternoon. May I please speak with the owner. - Which one? - I'm sorry? - Dick or Mac? - Ahh, whichever one's available, I guess. - Order up! I need six fries! - Patties up! - This is Dick. - Hello, Dick, this is Ray Kroc from Prince Castle Sales. The reason I'm calling is someone placed an order... - Yes. Yes, that was me. How soon can you get them out here? - Well, that's actually why I'm phoning now, Dick. I think there might have been some kind of miscommunication... - Freezer! Top shelf! Left side! Sorry. - No problem. My secretary's under the impression that you wanted six? - Yeah, you know, I think that was a mistake. - Well, that's what I figured. I mean, what kind of drive-in can make 30 milkshakes at a time. - Better make it eight. - What's that, Al? - There's a brand new box... - Look, now isn't the best time. - Yeah, I'm sorry. I understand. I'm still a little bit... - You know where to send them? San Bernardino, California. - Yeah. - Corner of 14th and E. - Hold on a minute. To anyone in particular? - Just the store is fine. McDonald's. Okay. Thanks a lot. - Yeah.

The Founder

I'm looking at a letterhead with the name McDonald's on it. You care to explain? - It was confusing, people didn't even know it had anything to do with McDonald's. - What's confusing is you calling yourself the McDonald's Corporation. People will think it's the whole company, not just the real estate arm which we strongly suspect is what you hope. - You put Dick's Arches on your letterhead? This is not your company, Ray! - Mac... - Do you understand that! - Mac, don't get upset. - We came up with the Speedee System, not you! Us! What have you ever come up with! Can you name one thing? You can't! And you never have and you never will. Because you are a leech, Ray. You are a professional leech! - You know what I came up with, Mac? A concept. I came up with the concept of winning. - Let me talk to him. - While you two boys were content to sit back and be a couple of also-rans. I'm going to take the future. I wanna win. And you don't get there by being some aw-shucks, nice-guy sap. There's no place in business for people like that. Business is war. It's dog eat dog, rat eat rat. If my competitor were drowning, I'd walk over and I'd put a hose right in his mouth. Can you say the same? - I can't, nor would I want to. - Hence your single location. - We want you out of this company, Ray! - Mac, how do you propose you do that. - We will sue you, whatever it takes! - And you'd probably win. But you can't afford to sue me. I'd bury you in court costs alone. Mac, I'm the President and CEO of a major corporation with land holdings in 17 states. You run a burger stand in the desert. I'm national. You're fucking local.

The Founder

- Oh! Well, look at this... Ray Kroc. - The Multi-Mixer fella. You spoke with my brother, Dick. - I did yeah, yeah. - What are you doing way out here? I'm in Los Angeles, business meetings. I thought I'm in the neighborhood, I should just swing by and say hello. - Well, I'm sure glad you did. - This whole thing. This is some operation. - Care for a little tour? - Of the...? - Yeah. - Yeah, I would. - Well, then finish up, I'll come back for you. - Alrighty. Thanks. May I take your order? Two soft drinks and two fries. Anything else for you, sir?

The Founder

- Really? - Really. Well, look what the cat dragged in. Hello, everyone. Hi there. Hi. Hey... How are ya? - Evening, stranger. - Good to see you. - Linda Ballen was just there, she adored it. - This is on the left side of the 14th fairway. - No, use your three-wood. - Hmm, three-wood. - Hit it clean. - I hear Acapulco is divine. - Where do you like, Ethel? - Umm, Spain. - Spain? - Wonderful. - Wow. How was it? - Oh no, I mean, I'm thinking about it. - Oh, you haven't been. - Well, we're dreaming of a trip, right? - Great, yeah.

The Founder

- I think I've got some people for you. I met this young couple. Very committed. They're from Glenview. High School sweethearts, married for five years and they're looking for a business they can operate together. And they seem very excited. - Yeah, forget that. Everything's changed. - You want a drink? - No... Changed, how? Forget the Chicago suburbs. Think bigger. - Bigger? - I'm not chasing them anymore. They're chasing me now. - What is...? - The trip! The trip I just took. - The trip. How was it? - Triumphant. They rolled out the red carpet. They're kissing this ring. They're begging for McDonald's. Here, have a drink.

The Founder

- Hiya, Dick, how ya doing? - Well, if you really want to know I'm a tad miffed. - Why? What seems to be the problem? - Franchise Realty Corporation. - What about it? - For starters, would you mind telling me what it is? - Oh, nothing really. Just a little something I created to help provide leasing services, you know, lend support to our new franchisees. - You know full well you can't do something like that without first clearing it. - Now, why would I need to do that? - Because as your deal plainly states, any and all changes must be agreed to in writing. - Except it's not a change. - Excuse me? - It's not a change. It's a company.

The Founder

- That's nice. - Yeah, sure is.

The Founder

- Year? I started it in 1954.

The Founder