What the hell are you doing here? You're supposed to be at Elton John's. Well, I was there for a minute or two... and then I had an epiphany. Really? - Yeah. Come on. Just come up. So what was this epiphany? Erm, it... it was about Christmas. You realised it was all around. No. I realised that Christmas is the time... to be with the people you love. Right. And I realised that, as dire chance... and fateful cockup would have it, here I am, mid-fifties, and without knowing it, I've spent most of my adult life... with a chubby employee. And, much as it grieves me to say it, it might be that the people I love is, in fact... you. Well, this is a surprise. Yeah. Ten minutes at Elton John's and you're gay? No, look. I'm serious here. I left Elton's and a hefty number... of half-naked chicks with their mouths open... in order to hang out with you at Christmas. Well, Bill... It's a terrible, terrible mistake, chubs... but you turn out to be the fucking love of my life. And to be honest, despite all my complaining... we have had a wonderful life. Well... thank you.
Love Actually
'Whenever I get gloomy... with the state of the world, 'I think about the arrivals gate... at Heathrow airport. 'General opinion makes out... that we live in a world of hatred and greed... 'but I don't see that. 'Seems to me that love is everywhere. 'Often it's not particularly dignified... or newsworthy but it's always there. 'Fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, 'boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. 'When the planes hit the Twin Towers, 'none of the phone calls from people on... board were messages of hate or revenge, 'they were all messages of love. 'if you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling... you'll find that love actually is all around. ' I feel it in my fingers I feel it in my toes Feel it in my toes, yeah Love is all around me And so the...
Love Actually
Good evening. Senhor Barros? - Sim. I am here to ask your daughter... for her hands in marriage. You want to marry my daughter? Yes. Come here, there is a man at the door. He wants to marry you. But I've never seen him before. Who cares? You're going to sell me to a complete stranger? Sell? Who said sell? I'll pay him. Pardon me. I'm meaning... your other daughter - Aurelia. She's not here - she's at work. I'll take you. You. Stay here. As if I would. Stupid.
Love Actually
All right.
Love Actually
Good night. - Good night.
Love Actually
Oh, no. That is so inconvenient.
Love Actually
He now spends all the time in his room. I mean, he'll be up there now. That's not unusual. My horrid son... Bernard? Bernard. Stays in his room all the time. Thank goodness. Yeah, but Karen, this is all the time.
Love Actually
Mr President.
Love Actually
Er, bella.
Love Actually
Love, love, love... - Did you do this? Er, no. Love, love, love, love There's nothing you can do that can't be done Oh, it... There's nothing you can sing... that can't be sung There's nothing you can say... but you can learn how to play the game It's easy All you need is love All you need is love All you need is love, love Love is all you need...
Love Actually
Oop. Sorry.
Love Actually
Of course, if you want me to come over I will. Mm-hm.
Love Actually
Sorry I'm late, I had to drop off Bernie at rehearsal.
Love Actually
Hi. Pathetic.
Love Actually
Ah... Need you to do a favour for me. Of course. Anything for the hero of the hour.
Love Actually
You look into my eyes I go out of my mind I can't see anything Cos this love's got me blind I can't help myself I can't break this spell I can't even try Baby, I'm too lost in you Caught in you Lost in everything about you So deep I can't sleep, I can't... I suppose I'd better do the duty round. You're a saint.
Love Actually
OK, let's say, er, Thursday, my place. Great. I've got Juliet on the other line, she wants to ask you a favour. OK, fine. - Thanks and, er, be nice. I'm always nice. 'You know what I mean, Marky, be friendly. ' I'm always... - 'Mark? ' Hi. How was the honeymoon? It was great. Thanks for the gorgeous sendoff. So, what can I do for you? - 'It's only a tiny favour. ' I've just tried the wedding video... and it's a disaster. 'It's come out all blue and wibbly. ' I'm sorry. I remember you filming a lot... and I wondered if I could look at it. To be honest, I didn't really... Please. All I want is one shot of me... in a wedding dress that isn't turquoise. I'll have a look but I'm pretty sure I wiped it, so don't get any hopes up. 'Must go. ' Any progress with our matchmaking plans? No. I've done fuck-all and never will... because he's too good for me. How true.
Love Actually
Over here, sir. What will you be talking about? Mr President, welcome. It's a pleasure to meet you. Come through. I'm sorry your wife couldn't make it. So is she. Although she would have been... kind of lonely. Yes. Pathetic, isn't it? Just never been able to tie a girl down. Not sure that politics and dating go together. Really? I've never found that. Yeah, you're still sickeningly handsome, whereas I look like my Aunt Mildred. Very jealous of your plane, by the way. Thank you. We love that thing. Ah, Natalie. Hi. Morning, ma'am. How's your day so far? Excellent.