Okay, Mr. Navorski, come here. Walk with me. Here's my dilemma, Mr. Navorski. You have no right to enter the U.S. and I have no right to detain you. You have fallen through a crack in the system. - I am crack. - Yes. Until we get this sorted out, I will allow you to enter the International Transit Lounge. I'm going to sign a release form that is going to make you a free man. - Free? - Free. Free to go anywhere you like within the confines of the International Transit Lounge. - Okay? - Okay - Okay? - Okay Okay.
The Terminal
She had a boyfriend? For how long? Two years? What happened? He chit. - What? - He chit. Eat shit? He chit. He chit. He chit. - Repeat exactly what she said. - He chit. She catch him. So... - He cheats. - Yes. What we call krushkach. We say krushkach. One man, two womans. So. Crowded, you know. Eh!
The Terminal
Okay. He cheats. - You say "cheats." - He chit. - No, "cheat." - Enrique. You, no chit. - No cheat. - No chit. No. I won't cheat. She's a nice girl. She won't take your chitting.
The Terminal
She go to these conventions dressed as Yeoman Rand. - Yeoman Rand. - She's a Trekkie. Favorite episode is "Doomsday Machine."
The Terminal
Officer Torres, you like the films? - Movies? - Not so much. - The Rockettes? - Can't afford it. - What do you like? - Conventions.
The Terminal
- Officer Torres. - M r. Navorski. You have choose. Man with money or man with love?
The Terminal
What is choose?
The Terminal
Thank you.
The Terminal
The Terminal
The Terminal
Have caused food and energy shortages. "...In Krakozhia." "The story of Broadway is the..." "The cast" "of comedy hit Friends," "which is set in New York."
The Terminal
"Crisis. Krakozhia." Now that heavy fighting has subsided and both sides have dug in for the long winter ahead, it's clear that the future of Krakozhia may be in doubt for some time to come. Meanwhile, the people of Krakozhia suffer the consequences. "And food..."
The Terminal
Welcome to Burger King. May I take your...
The Terminal
The Terminal
Next. Let me ask you something, Mr. Navorski. Why do you wait here every day when there's nothing I can do for you? Your new visa will not arrive until your country is recognized by the U.S. You have two stamp. One red, one green. - So? - I have chance to go New York, 50-50. Yes. That's a beautiful way to look at it, but America doesn't work that way.
The Terminal
"Wayne Newton is 61 today." "It's a miracle." "Korean conjoined twins separated today in Miami." "Chances of survival 50-50." 50-50.
The Terminal
As acting Field Commissioner, I've created a new position here at JFK. Transportation Liaison for Passenger Assistance.