Ahh! That's good. Oh, look at that. Oh, yeah. My masterpiece, baby. - That's beautiful. - Miami, I am back. Pow! You could have just bought this at the store. I think they sold it there.
- Ah! - OK, good. - Nice. - Fryer next? No, no, forget the freaking fryer, man. I'm gonna fill up the propane tanks, you go to the market... get cerveza, not beer. I can't go to the market. We gotta hook up the fryer. Get rid of the steam pit. No, by the time you get back, I'll have this all spotless and cleaned up. I got lots of marinating to do. I promised these people the best sandwich of their lives. - OK. Good. So... - Get me the mojo. OK, so, what do you need? Oranges, onion, garlic. That's right. Why don't we juice it up a little bit, huh? - Tomatillo. - Some chillies, yeah. Cilantro. - Now get the hell outta here. - Let's go. OK, look, the key is, you gotta look for ingredients and then that gives you ideas of what to cook. Like, this is yucca, right? Get some of that. Those look great. See that? And... Oh, come here. You know what this is? Uh, bananas? That's called a plantain. Plátanos. These are maduros. Feel, soft? - Mm-hm. - That's the sweet kind. But we want the green ones. Here. Hang onto this. This is what you make tostones with. That's Martin's favourite. - I got it. I got it. - You got it? Too much? - I got it. - OK. - Watch out for tarantulas. Come on. - What?
- It's good to know Spanish. - You gotta, man. Thank you. Thank you, guys.
Get to the top floor.
I got it. Mind if I borrow this?
How are we gonna get it in the truck? Well, Marvin said we could use some of his guys to help out. Hey, guys! Hello? I'm Carl. This is my truck.
I didn't get to finish my sandwich. - Here you go. - What do I do? Cut the bread. There's cerveza down there. Little man, get me hazelnuts, get me some more ham. OK.
If I can get one end up on the tailgate. OK. Oh, hey, hey. Don't do that. You're gonna rupture something, man. - Hey! - Martin! Hey, killer, what's up? How you doing, little gangster, huh? - What the hell you doing here? - I warned you, man. I warned you. If you got another gig, I was gonna drop everything to be your line cook. Didn't I? This is a food truck. You're a sous-chef now. So? Food trucks don't need a sous-chef? OK, fine. You're hired. Pays nothing. - I'll take it. - Nice! - You're not gonna scare me, buddy. - Thank you so much. You must've jumped on a plane as soon as we got off the phone. Dude, when I heard your voice, I was like, "That's what I wanna do." - I'm so happy you're here. - Me too, man. - We're trying to get this in the truck. - Yeah? I need some sort of, like, lever and fulcrum. Come on, everybody. Everybody together. Come on. Holy sh... No, we can't do this. No way, not without one of us hurting ourselves. No, no, no, don't. Stop. Stop. I got it, I got it. Carl, easy.
Oh, Martin. - Please, just gimme some. - It's not from the store. - You might not like it. - It's fatty but not heavy, you know? - You don't want any of this. - Yes, I do. - You're probably vegan. You can't eat it. - I'm not vegan. - It's not from the store. - Oh, my God. - Martin, come on. Can I have some? - Hold on a second. - Can I give him a piece, Martin? - Nah, man, he's not... - Alright. Let me think about it. - Just a little piece. Let's see.
- Pretty good. - Pretty good? - Pretty good? Come on! - Better than the store? One more. Just one more. The best shit you ever had in your life. Come on, man. Oh, give me another one. If you're gonna give him some, give me some. - Don't be cheap. - I want more. You know what? Let's make some sandwiches. - Yes, sir. Let's get to it. - Alright. Ready to go?
Alright, buddy, I need you to get me a crowd. - Yes, Chef. You know it. - Alright. Step right up. Best Cuban food in all of South Beach. Come on, don't be afraid. Step up! If you need it more authentic, you can swim 90 miles that way.
- You sure that's your son, man? - I don't know. You'd better get a paternity test. - Oh, that looks incred... - Can I have some?
I need some help moving this equipment in. Marvin said that you guys might help me.
You putting cornstarch on your balls? Yes, sir.
What are you doing? Dude, I'm putting a little cornstarch on my werewolves, man. It's too humid down here.