Alright. Take that bucket, fill it. - See the hose? - Mm-hm.
You think people would like this kind of food back home?
This is really good, by the way. Yours are way better.
Trash, trash, trash. Save that, save that. Save the metal ones.
We didn't go through with it.
Hey, buddy, you don't have to clean that. We're throwing it out. Alright? Clean something else.
Alright, buddy.
That's a chef's knife. A real chef's knife. It's not a toy. You understand?
I gotta pick up some equipment for the truck. You wanna come with me and help me pick out a stove till Mom calls back? Fine. Alright. Let's go.
But you... The truck looks great. You did a great job. I'm sorry I was mean. That wasn't right of me.
You wanted to work in a kitchen. This is what working in a kitchen is, OK? - We don't throw shit out. - Yeah, I wanted to come and cook. - Not clean it! - Pick it out of the garbage! No! I cleaned your whole stupid truck! Why are you so mean to me?!
- Ohh... - What the hell are you doing? - You told me to clean it out. - Not throw it in the garbage. That's a perfectly good hotel pan. Scrub it out. No, that's gross! I'm not cleaning that out. - Pick it out of the garbage. - Are you kidding? - It's disgusting. - You don't throw it in the garbage. Like we saved the rest of the stuff. Let's just clean it out. No. - Pick it out of the trash. - No.
Ohh! That's it. That's where the smell's coming from. What is that? I don't know. Whatever it is, clean it out.
Alright, that looks good. Clean out the lowboy now. - The what? - The low... The reach-in fridge, right here. Clean this out.
I got some presents for you. Watch this.
- Do I touch it? - Well, what do you think? - No. - That's right. No, genius. Hey, look. Come over here, look. - See this water? - Mm-hm. - Bang. Is it hot? - Yes. - Tell him it's hot. - It's hot. - OK. - Is it hot as your daddy's underwear? Good. Now, watch. Come over here. Here we go, papi. Perfect. Perfecto. Now, watch me. Watch what I'm doing. Two slices of ham, three of pork. - Now come over here. - Now the maestro. Two slices of cheese... one, two. - Two pickles. - Can I do pickles? Big pickles. Nice. One, two. Now, watch this. Take this... mustard, from end to end. OK. You go side to side, not forward and back. Now, this is the most important part. - This is what makes it a Cubano. - OK. - Take the butter. See that? - Yeah. On top. Take a little bit. Butter the grill. In. Just like that. Now, watch. I want you to watch for the bread to get golden. I want you to watch for the cheese to melt. When that cheese is melted and that bread's golden, but not burnt, you call me, you tell me it's done and we'll check, OK? - OK. - Keep an eye on it.
You know what this is? - French fries? - That's right, a fryer. This is the one we need right here. Come on, let's go. Double convection oven underneath. It's a real workhorse. 60 inches. I think we could fit them on the truck. What do you think? - Let's get it. - Let's get this one. Good. Done. This is the... Ah, here's what we need. This is the thing I was looking for. Right there. - A George Foreman grill? - That's not a George Foreman grill. It's called a plancha. We make Cuban sandwiches on that. This is the key to our entire livelihood. We need two of these. Looks good. You know what? Let's also get the 6-inch chef's knife with the plastic handle. - Then you need also the holder. - Yeah, let's get a cover as well.
I want you to watch everything everybody's doing, because when we're hopping, you're gonna have to jump in on the line and help out. - I think it's done. - You think it's done?