They'll crucify me. I mean, I need to say something that'll... So who do you think knocked her up? (CHUCKLING) Pretty sure it was Norm. Totally. You do not deserve to live. No, no, no. Think about it, right? I mean, he's the teacher's pet. He's out at the lab with her all the time. I would kill myself. I would drink acid. Bro, you're right. He's, like, in every shot. (CHUCKLING) Bro, look, look, he's giving her looks. Hey. LO'AK: See, I'm thinkin' their two avatars were out in the woods all alone... Gross! (LO'AK LAUGHS) Guys. I mean, sometimes it's not so great to know who your father was.
Avatar: The Way of Water
Avatar: The Way of Water
Avatar: The Way of Water
(BOTH GRUNTING) It's called a punch, bitch! Don't ever touch my sister again. (BOYS HISS AND SNARL) BOY: Yeah! Aonung! Show him!
Avatar: The Way of Water
(GASPS) (YELLS) (ALL EXCLAIM) WAINFLEET: Down! (SHOUTS IN NA'VI) (IN NA'VI) (IN ENGLISH) Hey, your ears workin' now? (IN NA'VI) (IN ENGLISH) You see what these can do, huh? (TA'UNUI TSAHIK PLEADS IN NA'VI) (QUARITCH SPEAKS NA'VI) Jake Sully. (SPIDER SPEAKING NA'VI) Toruk Makto! (IN NA'VI) (IN ENGLISH) Put her down! WAINFLEET: Get down! (ALL EXCLAIM ANGRILY) Get down! (CATTLE PROD ZAPPING) Stop! Stop! You make it real clear to him. He doesn't give up Sully, we kill the Tsahik. No, I'm not doin' that. Is that right? I'm not gonna be a part of this! ZDINARSIK: Get down! (ANGRY SHOUTING) These people don't know anything! They don't know anything! ZDINARSIK: Don't move! TROOPER: Stay down. (TA'UNUI TSAHIK SPEAKS NA'VI) TROOPER: Shut up!
Avatar: The Way of Water
(LO'AK GRUNTS) Bro, come on! (PAYAKAN SQUEALS) Bro. Come on, bro. Hurry! Call it in! Call Dad! Call Dad! Just go! Do it! Just do it. TSIREYA: Lo'ak, go! Hurry! Dad. I mean, Devil Dog. Do you read me? Did you see where they went? LO'AK: It's Eagle Eye, do you copy? They went outside the reef. Yeah, Lo'ak. LO'AK: (PANTING) Dad! We're with a tulkun that's under attack. Killer ship's inbound. It's about two klicks out. Who's with you? LO'AK: It's all of us. Aonung and Tsireya too. (GASPS) We're at Three Brothers Rocks. You get to cover, and you do not engage. All right? You hear me? Do not engage. We're comin'. Yes, sir. It's getting closer! NETEYAM: Three, two, pull! TSIREYA: Pull! JAKE: (YIPS) Kids are under attack! The kids are under attack. They were defending a tulkun. It's your kids too. The demon ship? Yes! We gotta go! Weapons. Sound the alarm! (YIPPING)
Avatar: The Way of Water
How do you know? That they're smarter than us? More neurons, more pathways. Not only are they smarter, they're deeply emotional. More spiritual. See, this region here corresponds with our emotional centers, but proportionally it's much larger. They have music, philosophy, mathematics, complex language. Okay. Here we go. Show me the money. So that's what this is all about? That's it. Amrita. Bad luck for the big guys. This stuff just happens to stop human aging. Like... stops it. Ounce for ounce the single most valuable substance known to man. This little vial here is worth like, 80 million. Think fast! (SIGHS) Please don't. (LAUGHING) It's never funny. Amrita is what's paying for everything here on Pandora now. Even your research. Ain't that right, Dr. G? It's why I drink. That's all you take? I mean, you just waste the rest? Drop the bags. Let's sink her! No. Leave the bags. I want 'em to know it was us. I charge extra for bein' used as bait. (BIRDS SQUAWKING)
Avatar: The Way of Water
(SIGHS) Go apologize to Aonung. What? He is the chief's son. Do you understand? I don't care how you do it. Just go make peace. Just go. Hey. So what'd the other guys look like? Worse. That's good. A lot worse. Get outta here.