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Duration: 48.1s

(GASPS) (YELLS) (ALL EXCLAIM) WAINFLEET: Down! (SHOUTS IN NA'VI) (IN NA'VI) (IN ENGLISH) Hey, your ears workin' now? (IN NA'VI) (IN ENGLISH) You see what these can do, huh? (TA'UNUI TSAHIK PLEADS IN NA'VI) (QUARITCH SPEAKS NA'VI) Jake Sully. (SPIDER SPEAKING NA'VI) Toruk Makto! (IN NA'VI) (IN ENGLISH) Put her down! WAINFLEET: Get down! (ALL EXCLAIM ANGRILY) Get down! (CATTLE PROD ZAPPING) Stop! Stop! You make it real clear to him. He doesn't give up Sully, we kill the Tsahik. No, I'm not doin' that. Is that right? I'm not gonna be a part of this! ZDINARSIK: Get down! (ANGRY SHOUTING) These people don't know anything! They don't know anything! ZDINARSIK: Don't move! TROOPER: Stay down. (TA'UNUI TSAHIK SPEAKS NA'VI) TROOPER: Shut up!