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Gina, Gina, Gina. The face in the misty light. - Hello, Mr. Schwarz. - Hello, Gina. I, uh... I have a meeting with a very handsome cowboy man. GINA: He's waiting for you in the bar.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Hi. I missed you.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Starring Rick Dalton. MARVIN: Then a couple of the jokers over in archival sent over a kinescope of a little treat featuring you. ♪ There's an old piano ♪ ♪ And they play it hot Behind the green door ♪ ♪ Don't know what They're doing ♪ ♪ But they laugh a lot Behind the green door ♪ ♪ Wish they'd let me in ♪ ♪ So I can find out What's behind the green door ♪

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

[SPEAKING IN SPANISH] All right, what's the matter, partner? [SIGHS] Well... it's official, old buddy. I'm a has-been. What are you talking about? What did that guy tell you? He told me the goddamn truth, is what he told me.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Join me next week on the set of The Dick Van Dyke Show, where I'll be talking to comical cutups, Morey Amsterdam and Rose Marie. Till then, this is Allen Kincade signing off from Hollywood. [BIRDS CHIRPING]

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

[ALL GRUNT] Amateurs usually don't make it. ANNOUNCER: Whether you're dead or alive, you're just a dollar sign to Jake Cahill on Bounty Law. Thursdays at 8:30, only on NBC. [NBC THEME PLAYS]

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Or do you go to Rome and star in Westerns and win fucking fights?

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

ANNOUNCER: Bounty Law.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

VALET: Ticket, señor?

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

- Oh. Whoa. - Oh, shit. - Hey. - I'm sorry about that. Sorry about that. Here. Put these on. Don't cry in front of the Mexicans. - Son of a bitch. - What's got you so upset, man? Well, if coming face-to-face with the failure that is your career ain't worth crying about, then I don't know what the fuck is. Right. That guy in there turn you down? No. He wants to help me get into Italian movies. - [SNIFFLES] - Then what's the problem? I gotta do Italian goddamn movies! - That's the fucking problem! - Come on. Fucking bullshit! It doesn't matter whether I cry in public. Nobody remembers who the fuck I am anyway, huh? REPORTER: the Hall of Justice here. The defense will try to prove the killing of Kennedy - was the product of a sick mind. - Fuck! - Thank you. Hey, let's go. - Take me home, Cliff. Come on, take me home. REPORTER: early as next Wednesday. More than 1000 Communists dead are reported in new, large-scale fighting in South Vietnam. U.S. losses are said to be... WOMAN: That's swell, man. Fucking hippie motherfuckers. REPORTER: ...and bases with rockets and mortar fire. As President Nixon was flying to Europe, he received details of that fighting by radio. WOMEN: ♪ Always is always forever ♪ ♪ As long as one is one ♪ ♪ Inside yourself For your father ♪ ♪ All is one, all is one All is one ♪ ♪ It's time we put Our love behind you ♪ ♪ The illusion Has been just a dream ♪ ♪ The Valley of Death And I'll find you ♪ ♪ Now is when On a sunshine beam ♪ Hot dog buns! [ALL CHEERING] ♪ For sure They shall surely see ♪ ♪ No clothing, no tears No hunger ♪ ♪ You shall see, you shall see You shall see ♪ ♪ Always is always forever ♪ ♪ As long as one is one ♪ ♪ Inside yourself For your father ♪ ♪ All is one, all is one All is one ♪

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

So, uh, you've been doing guest shots on episodic TV shows the last couple of years? Yeah. Yeah. I'm doing a pilot f-for CBS right now. It's called... It's called Lancer. I play the heavy. Did a, ahem, Ron Ely Tarzan. I did a Land of the Giants. Green Hornet. I did that show, uh... Bingo Martin with that kid Scott Brown. Yeah. And I got a F.B.I. that-that airs this Sunday. You, um... You always play the bad guy on these shows? - Y-yeah. Mm-hm. - Yeah. So, and they have a fight scene at the end of them? Well, not... Not... Not Land of the Giants or F.B.I., - but the rest, yeah. Yeah. - And you lose in the fight? [CHUCKLES] Yeah. Yeah, of course. I'm... I'm the heavy. Oh, that's an old trick pulled by the networks. Now, you take Bingo Martin, for example. - Mm-hm. - Right? So you got a new guy like Scott Brown. You wanna build up his bona fides, right? So you hire a guy from a canceled show - to play the heavy. - Hmm. Then at the end of the show, when they fight, it's hero besting heavy. But what the audience sees is Bingo Martin whipping Jake Cahill's ass. - Uh-huh. - You see? Then next week, it's Ron Ely. And next week, it's Bob Conrad, wearing his tight pants, kicking your ass. - Yeah. - [CHUCKLES] Now, in another couple of years, playing punching bag to every swinging dick new to the network, that's gonna have a psychological effect on how the audience perceives you. Right. So, Rick, who's gonna kick the shit out of you next week? Mannix? The Man from U.N.C.L.E.? [CHUCKLING] The Girl from U.N.C.L.E.? How about Batman and Robin? Ping. Pow. Choom. Zoom. [CHUCKLES] Down goes you. Down goes your career as a leading man.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Five years of ascent. Pfft. Ten years of-of-of treading water. And now a race to the bottom. Heh. Look, I never had much of a career to speak of, so I can't say I really know how you feel. What are you talking about? You're my stunt double. Come on, now. Shit. Rick, I'm your driver, man. I'm-I'm your gofer. I'm not complaining, man. I like driving you around. I like doing shit around the house and house-sitting in the Hollywood Hills when you're gone. But I haven't been a full-time stuntman for a while now, and from where I'm standing, going to Rome to star in movies does not sound like the fate worse than death that you seem to think it is. Come on, now. You ever seen an-an Italian Western, huh? They're awful. It's a fucking farce. Yeah, how many you seen? One? Two? I've seen enough, all right? Nobody likes Spaghetti Westerns. [INTRODUCTION TO SONG]

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood