Sometimes, the letters are from people who say they're praying for me. They tell me everything will be okay if I just acceptJesus Christ into my heart.
Jennifer's Body
These fine young gentlemen... have been generous enough to take time out... from their sold-out national tour... to play our dance for free.
Jennifer's Body
We had faith.
Jennifer's Body
Jennifer's Body
Hello, Needy. Hi. Jennifer. Hi, Colin. Can I borrow your English homework again? I forgot to read Hamlet. Is he gonna fuck his mom? No� I don't� I don't� I don't think so. Um, I actually wanted to ask you something. You wanna know if I'll go out with you? No! Yeah. What? I� - I don't g� How'd you know? - Just go ahead with the pitch.
Jennifer's Body
Forget it. He's seminal, but whatever. Anyway, this singer guy, Jennifer says he's extra salty, so- Salty. Salty means beautiful. Well, then you must be soy sauce, babe.
Jennifer's Body
Chip was right. Melody Lane is definitely not a club. Clubs are for attractive people in populous urban areas. Clubs have D.J.'s and champagne. As they come around the corner- All we have is a jukebox and a sticker toilet. d You wanna fly Don't want your feet on the ground d d You stay up, you won't come down d I cannot wait until I'm old enough to get wasted. Hey, Jennifer. You look really pretty. What up, Craig? He thinks he's cute enough for me. And that's why he's in retard math. Swing and miss.
Jennifer's Body
Needy, I think you need help. Oh, my God. You don't believe me. It's not that I don't believe you. I just don't believe this. God! This is a nightmare!
Jennifer's Body
Jen. What happened? Jen?
Jennifer's Body
Colin wouldn't like this. You think so? Yeah, you're right. I'm pretty sure my son wouldn't have liked being eaten by a fucking cannibal... and buried before his 18th birthday. Wow. You must have known him so well. Jill. By the time they found Colin in that godforsaken house, he looked like lasagna with teeth. I'd know. I had to identify the remains. My boy... is not in the realm ofthe undead. He is not flying around in the firmament... on magical wings of flame. He's in an overpriced rosewood box... that's headed six feet downtown.
Jennifer's Body
How are you friends with Colin Gray? I thought Colin Gray only talked to the Dead Girls. I just am. We have Creative Nonfiction together. He's a really good writer. He's, like, all dark and emotional and stuff. Oh. Well, I'm like that too. I mean, I can relate. You know, I'm not all obvious about it like a poser.
Jennifer's Body
It's aboutJennifer. What?
Jennifer's Body
Let's go, Jennifer! Let's go to the van. I wanna go to your really cool van. Needy, let's go see his van. Why? Why should we? We have the Sebring. Let's just get out of here! Let's go to L.O.O. and get some Northwoods Nachos with extra badger sauce. - Please? I'm starving. - Needy, stop it! Just shut up.
Jennifer's Body
Yeah, me too.
Jennifer's Body
Look, I think I know what's wrong with her. What? What is it? You know how Needy has been really upset since Colin Gray died? Mm-hmm. Well, it's notjust because he was, like, brutally murdered and stuff. I don't wanna say this! Say it.