Office Space
Office Space is a 1999 American satirical black comedy film written and directed by Mike Judge. It satirizes the work life of a typical 1990s software company, focusing on a handful of individuals weary of their jobs. It stars Ron Livingston, Jennifer Aniston, Gary Cole, Stephen Root, David Herman, Ajay Naidu, and Diedrich Bader. Office Space was filmed in Dallas and Austin, Texas. It is based on Judge's Milton cartoon series and was his first foray into live-action filmmaking. The film was Judge's second full-length motion picture release, following Beavis and Butt-Head Do America. It was released in theaters on February 19, 1999, by 20th Century Fox. Its sympathetic depiction of ordinary information technology workers garnered a cult following within that field, but it also addresses themes familiar to white-collar employees and the workforce in general. It was a box office disappointment, making $12.2 million on a $10 million production budget; however, it sold well on home video, and has become a cult film. Several aspects of the film have become Internet memes. A scene in which the three main characters systematically destroy a dysfunctional printer has been widely parodied. Swingline introduced a red stapler to its product line after the Milton character used one painted in that color in the film. Judge's 2009 film Extract is also set in an office and was intended as a companion piece to Office Space.
It's pretty brilliant. What it does is every time there's a bank transaction... where interest is computed... There are thousands a day... the computer ends up with these fractions of a cent... which it usually rounds off. What this does is it takes those little remainders... and puts it into an account. - This sounds familiar. - They did it in "Superman III." Right, uh... An underrated movie, actually. There were hackers that did it in the seventies as well. - So they check for this now. - No, here's the thing. Initech's so backed up with all the software we're updating... they'd never notice. You're right. Even if they wanted to, they couldn't check all that code. Thumbs up their asses. Thumbs up their asses. So, Michael, what's to stop you from doing this? It's not worth the risk. I got a good job.
Office Space
Samir and I are the best programmers they got. You haven't been showin' up, and you get to keep your job. Actually, I'm being promoted. - What? - I know, Michael. It's completely unfair. And I realised something today. It's not just about me and my dream of doing nothing. It's about all of us together. I don't know what happened to me at that hypnotherapist. Maybe it was just shock, and it's wearing off now... but when I saw that fat man keel over and die... Michael, we don't have a lot of time on this earth. We weren't meant to spend it this way. Human beings were not meant to sit in little cubicles... staring at computer screens all day... filling out useless forms... and listening to eight different bosses... drone on about mission statements. I told those fudgepackers I liked Michael Bolton's music. Ohh. That is not right, Michael. For five years now, you've worked your ass off... hoping for a promotion, profit sharing, or something. Five years... of your mid-twenties now gone. And you're gonna go in tomorrow... they're gonna throw you out on the street. You know why? So Bill Lumbergh's stock will go up a quarter of a point. Ugh. Michael, let's make that stock go down... and let's take enough money out of that place... so that we never have to sit in a cubicle ever again.
Office Space
But that's not much money. That's the beauty of it. Each withdrawal, it's a fraction of a cent, too small to notice. But you take a few thousand withdrawals a day... you space it out over a couple of years... that's a few hundred thousand dollars. It's like "Superman III." "Superman lll"? I have to leave now. I have to get my résumé ready. For another job where they can fire you for no reason? That's right. If I'm lucky. I'm tired of being pushed around. Aren't you? Yes, but I'm not going to do anything illegal. Illegal? Samir, this is America. Come on. Sit down.
Office Space
Come on. This isn't Riyadh. They're not going to saw your hands off here. The worst they'd do is put you for a couple of months... into a white-collar, minimum-security resort. Shit, we should be so lucky. They have conjugal visits there. - Really? - Yes. Shit! I'm a free man. I haven't had a conjugal visit in six months. So what do you think? This thing is actually pretty fail-safe, Samir. Samir?
Office Space
- I have a question. - Yes? In this conjugal visits, you can have sex with women? Yep, you sure can. OK, I'll do it. That's what I'm talkin' about when I talk about America! Can we discuss the plan? OK, yeah, good, right. It works like a computer virus. All we do is load it into the credit union's mainframe. It'll do the rest. Get me that disk, and I'll take it from there. Before we go any further, all right? We have to swear to God, Allah... that nobody knows about this but us, all right? No family members, no girlfriends. Nobody. - Of course. - Agreed. Don't worry, man! I won't tell anyone, either. - What the fuck is that? - Don't worry. He's cool. All right. Here's how I see it all going down. Peter, congratulations. This is one heck of a promotion. Thank you, Bob. We'll get some people under you right away.
Office Space
That was easy. Yeah, I guess it was. What'd you do with the... Hey, man. Oh, hey, Drew. You guys hear about Tom Smykowski? That he got laid off? No, man, check it out. Last week, after he found out he was getting laid off... he tries to kill himself by running the car in the garage. Is he dead? No, man, check it out. His wife comes home early and catches him. He tries to play it off like nothing happened. I was having some trouble with the shifter here. It's jammed. L... I couldn't get it into drive. - L... l...I mean, reverse. - You OK, Tom? Then as he's lookin' at her... he decides he wants to live. Yeah, I think I'm OK. Right. Seems to be working now.
Office Space
But as soon as he backs out of his driveway... Bam! He gets slammed big-time by a drunk driver. - Is he OK? - Sort of. Broke both his wrists, legs, a couple of ribs, his back... but he's getting a huge settlement out of this. Like seven figures. He's getting out of the hospital tomorrow. He's throwing a big party this weekend to celebrate. We're all invited. I'm thinking I might take that new chick from logistics. Things go well, I might be showing her my "Oh" face. Oh, oh, oh... You know what I'm talking about. Oh. Yeah. Right. See you guys there.
Office Space
Who's got my keys? I'm driving. Everything is gonna be OK. All right? OK? It's fun, and it's exciting. I gotta... I gotta go. All right? Joanna's coming over. Don't worry. You're worrying. All right? Monday morning, we're gonna check the account balance. Everything will be OK. Don't miss Tom's barbecue. I'll see you there. All right? Good night! Back up in your ass with the resurrection What were you guys celebrating last night? Oh, um... l'm not really at liberty to talk about it.
Office Space