Office Space
Office Space is a 1999 American satirical black comedy film written and directed by Mike Judge. It satirizes the work life of a typical 1990s software company, focusing on a handful of individuals weary of their jobs. It stars Ron Livingston, Jennifer Aniston, Gary Cole, Stephen Root, David Herman, Ajay Naidu, and Diedrich Bader. Office Space was filmed in Dallas and Austin, Texas. It is based on Judge's Milton cartoon series and was his first foray into live-action filmmaking. The film was Judge's second full-length motion picture release, following Beavis and Butt-Head Do America. It was released in theaters on February 19, 1999, by 20th Century Fox. Its sympathetic depiction of ordinary information technology workers garnered a cult following within that field, but it also addresses themes familiar to white-collar employees and the workforce in general. It was a box office disappointment, making $12.2 million on a $10 million production budget; however, it sold well on home video, and has become a cult film. Several aspects of the film have become Internet memes. A scene in which the three main characters systematically destroy a dysfunctional printer has been widely parodied. Swingline introduced a red stapler to its product line after the Milton character used one painted in that color in the film. Judge's 2009 film Extract is also set in an office and was intended as a companion piece to Office Space.
So, from now on, only use the new time sheets... if you've worked on two or more job codes in one day... and you need the extra columns to fit it all in. Otherwise, use the old time sheets... Where's Peter? I heard he didn't show up this weekend. Uh, I don't know. ...really, really help us out. Who's that guy? So, uh... any questions?
Office Space
What you do at Initech... is you take the specifications from the customers... and you bring them down to the software engineers? Yes. Y-yes. That's... that's right. Well, then I just have to ask... why couldn't the customers... just take them directly to the software people, huh? Well, I'll tell you why.
Office Space
Uh, because... engineers are not good at dealing with customers. Uh-huh. So... you physically take the specs from the customer? Well... no. My secretary does that or the fax. Huh. So then you must physically bring them... to the software people. Well... no. I mean... sometimes. What... what would you say you do here?
Office Space
Are you any relation to the pop singer? No, it's... it's just a coincidence. Ha ha. To be honest with you... I love his music. I do. - I'm a Michael Bolton fan. - Me, too. For my money, I don't know if it gets any better... than when he sings "When a Man Loves a Woman." But you must really love his music, huh?
Office Space
I don't... I don't know. Heh heh. I mean, I guess I sort of like them all. That's a riot. I'm the exact same way. But it must be twice as hard for you... being you have the same name as him. I celebrate the guy's entire catalogue. Anyway, let's get down to business, Michael. You know, you can just call me Mike.
Office Space