Paterson is a 2016 drama film written and directed by Jim Jarmusch. The film stars Adam Driver as a bus driver and poet named Paterson, and Golshifteh Farahani as his wife, who dreams of being a country music star and opening a cupcake business. Paterson was selected to compete for the Palme d'Or at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival, where it won the Palm Dog Award. It was released in Germany on November 17, 2016, by K5 International; in France on December 21, 2016, by Le Pacte; and in the United States on December 28, 2016, by Amazon Studios and Bleecker Street.
- What? - Did you ever hear of the old Italian poet called Pet-ra-rch, is that it? Mm, Petrarch. He perfected the sonnet. Um, I read online that one of his early books of poems was called The Secret Book. Just like yours. I didn't know that. You read that? You just happened upon it online? And also that he wrote all his love poems to a beautiful girl called, ta-dah, Laura. That's true. So you have many things in common with other great and famous poets, you see.
A girl you met? Yeah, no, like a little girl. Like a t... like a ten-year-old girl. Oh! She was on the bus? No, I met her on my way home from work, near the old factories. She was waiting for her mom and her sister and... and I noticed she had a notebook of poems, and she read one to me. From her own secret notebook?