Paterson is a 2016 drama film written and directed by Jim Jarmusch. The film stars Adam Driver as a bus driver and poet named Paterson, and Golshifteh Farahani as his wife, who dreams of being a country music star and opening a cupcake business. Paterson was selected to compete for the Palme d'Or at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival, where it won the Palm Dog Award. It was released in Germany on November 17, 2016, by K5 International; in France on December 21, 2016, by Le Pacte; and in the United States on December 28, 2016, by Amazon Studios and Bleecker Street.
Glow. When I wake up earlier than you, and you are turned to face me, face on the pillow and hair spread around, I take a chance and stare at you, amazed in love and afraid that you might open your eyes and have the daylights scared out of you. But maybe with the daylights gone, you'd see how much my chest and head implode for you, their voices trapped inside like unborn children fearing they will never see the light of day. The opening in the wall now dimly glows, it's rainy, blue and grey. I tie my shoes and go downstairs to put the coffee on.
You OK? Well, since you asked, no, not really. My mother-in-law is moving in. The cat got diagnosed with cat diabetes. And the medicine, you know, it's all so expensive. And now, my daughter started taking violin lessons and I'm losing my mind with the sound of that. What can I say, Paterson? - Oh, sorry. - Oh, just my burden, I guess. - My particular burden. - OK. I'll see you tomorrow.
"Water Falls", OK. OK. "Water Falls". "Water falls from the bright air. "It falls like hair, "falling across a young girl's shoulders. "Water falls, "making pools in the asphalt, "dirty mirrors with clouds and buildings inside. "It falls on the roof of my house. "It falls on my mother, and on my hair. "Most people call it rain."