Violent Night
Violent Night is a 2022 American Christmas action comedy film directed by Tommy Wirkola and written by Pat Casey and Josh Miller. It follows Santa Claus (portrayed by David Harbour) as he fights mercenaries who have taken a wealthy family hostage in their home. The film also stars John Leguizamo, Alex Hassell, and Beverly D'Angelo. Violent Night had its world premiere at the New York Comic Con on October 7, 2022. Universal Pictures released the film in theaters in the United States on December 2, 2022. The film received generally positive reviews from critics and grossed $76.6 million worldwide. A sequel is in development.
That is a very special walkie-talkie. It's magic. - Magic? - Mm-hmm. What you got right there is a direct hotline to Santa Claus himself. - I can talk to Santa? - Oh, yeah. It's just like writing him a letter... but better. Mm-hmm. Now, the only thing is, he might not have time to answer you. He's delivering a lot of presents tonight. Mm-hmm. But he'll hear everything you want to say to him.
Violent Night