Violent Night
Violent Night is a 2022 American Christmas action comedy film directed by Tommy Wirkola and written by Pat Casey and Josh Miller. It follows Santa Claus (portrayed by David Harbour) as he fights mercenaries who have taken a wealthy family hostage in their home. The film also stars John Leguizamo, Alex Hassell, and Beverly D'Angelo. Violent Night had its world premiere at the New York Comic Con on October 7, 2022. Universal Pictures released the film in theaters in the United States on December 2, 2022. The film received generally positive reviews from critics and grossed $76.6 million worldwide. A sequel is in development.
Merry Christmas, Al. Hi, Linda. Merry Christmas. - Mr. Lightstone. - Hey, Al. Hey, you back there, Tru? Yeah, I bet you're excited for Christmas. What did you ask Santa for? Not to work on Christmas Eve. Must've been naughty this year, - 'cause here I am. - Mm-hmm. Just make sure you let Santa through the gates later, Al. - Yeah. - Have a merry one, now. - Merry Christmas. - Merry Christmas, Al. Merry Christmas, Tru. - Thank you, Al. - Yeah.
Violent Night
Hashtag "blessed." He just got what I can only assume will be his first of many sexual harassment accusations. Mom paid off the school, and now the gymnasium is named after us. Of course she did. What about Tragic Mike? All I'm saying is, if I was on one of those planes, 9/11 would've ended with a bunch of terrorists skydiving over Connecticut without their parachutes. - Yeah. You like that? - Yes. Yes. - Yeah, I do like it. - Ooh. - Kiss me in front of my son. - Now, huh? Mm... He might actually be a decent actor. -Hmm. -He's been doing an Oscar-worthy job - of pretending to find my sister appealing. - Now he wants Mom to fund a film for him.
Violent Night
- It's Gertrude! - It's Mom. - Okay, let's do this. - Okay, okay. Come on. - Come on. Bert, get over here. - No. Mom. Mom! - Positions. - Game time, buddy. - Okay. Okay. - This is my good side. I'm busy. -ALVA: We've gone over this! Come on! Gosh. Okay. Bert, get in the middle. So it begins. Seriously, come. You know what that means. Shall we jockey forward? No.
Violent Night