Tag is a 2018 American comedy film directed by Jeff Tomsic (in his feature directorial debut) and written by Rob McKittrick and Mark Steilen. The film is based on a true story that was published in The Wall Street Journal about a group of men, played by Ed Helms, Jake Johnson, Hannibal Buress, Jon Hamm, and Jeremy Renner, who had spent one month each year playing the same game of tag since their childhood. Annabelle Wallis, Isla Fisher, Rashida Jones, and Leslie Bibb also star. The film was released June 15, 2018, by Warner Bros. Pictures. It received mixed reviews from critics and has grossed $78 million worldwide, against a production budget of $28 million.
Impressive. I'm taking you down, Jerry. Well, we both know that's never gonna happen. Excuse me. Excuse me. Coming through. Excuse me. Oh, boy. Cavalry's coming in. Hey, Jerry. This old lady bothering you? I'm good, Marvin. Thanks, man. Everything's all right. It's just a friend of mine. Hey, it's good to see you. Looking good, brother. - My man. - Yeah, staying in shape.
Okay, then maybe I will cause a big scene and get arrested also. Then, once we both get to jail, I'll just... What? Bribe a guard? Be put in my cell? Yeah, I figured you'd say that. It's pretty obvious. Hoag, you have to realize that's gonna take hours, during which time I'll have fashioned a shiv from my toothbrush and used it to murder my cellmate. You'd just shiv your cellmate? Don't worry. He's a bad person who's done terrible things, so justice is served.