Tag is a 2018 American comedy film directed by Jeff Tomsic (in his feature directorial debut) and written by Rob McKittrick and Mark Steilen. The film is based on a true story that was published in The Wall Street Journal about a group of men, played by Ed Helms, Jake Johnson, Hannibal Buress, Jon Hamm, and Jeremy Renner, who had spent one month each year playing the same game of tag since their childhood. Annabelle Wallis, Isla Fisher, Rashida Jones, and Leslie Bibb also star. The film was released June 15, 2018, by Warner Bros. Pictures. It received mixed reviews from critics and has grossed $78 million worldwide, against a production budget of $28 million.
Let's see where this one goes. Mr. Stubbles has something to say. What was that? He says that his skin's very dry. It needs to be moisturized. Jerry, put down Mr. Stubbles. So help me God. What's happening here? I think he's about to masturbate in Hoagie's childhood bedroom. Oh, no. It's the ultimate act of dominance. I'm gonna stay here until you come.
So kind of a rough start. That was pretty standard, actually. Yeah, Jerry's extreme. The masturbation was fake, but the pleasure was real. I mean, I've said it before, but we're not gonna tag him because, you know, he's better at tag than us. I'm obviously going to be the one that tags Jerry. I've been working with this Japanese guy. Sensei. He knows zero karate. Oh, he doesn't know karate. He's claiming to know karate?
He doesn't know karate. I don't think he knows karate. Well, then what does he call it when I roundhouse kicked him in 10th grade? Callahan and Chilli did get in a huge fight sophomore year of high school and Callahan did just tag Chilli with a beautiful roundhouse kick. But in Chilli's defense, when Callahan kicked him... He shit in his pants! Yeah, okay, that never happened. And it's nice to actually get an opportunity to address it directly. By all means. I'm all ears. I mean, I was very sweaty. It was warm out. The sweaty ass defense? He's been banging that drum for years. Hottest October on record, if I recall. Look it up. Wall Street Journal, you have fact checkers for this exact scenario, right? Mmm-hmm. Yeah. While you're at it, can you have the fact checkers look into if The Maury Povich Show is staged? 'Cause it feels staged, but he swears it's not staged. But they do the exact same thing every time. What?