Zootopia (titled Zootropolis or Zoomania in various regions) is a 2016 American animated buddy cop action comedy film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. It was directed by Byron Howard and Rich Moore, co-directed by Jared Bush (in his feature directorial debut), and produced by Clark Spencer, from a screenplay written by Bush and Phil Johnston, and a story by Howard, Moore, Bush, Johnston, Jim Reardon, Josie Trinidad, and Jennifer Lee. The film stars the voices of Ginnifer Goodwin, Jason Bateman, Idris Elba, Jenny Slate, Nate Torrence, Bonnie Hunt, Don Lake, Tommy Chong, J. K. Simmons, Octavia Spencer, Alan Tudyk, and Shakira. Taking place in the titular city where anthropomorphic mammals coexist, it tells a story of an unlikely partnership between a rabbit police officer and a fox con artist as they uncover a criminal conspiracy involving the disappearance of some of its predatory citizens. Zootopia premiered at the Brussels Animation Film Festival in Belgium on February 13, 2016, and went into general theatrical release in Disney Digital 3-D, RealD 3D, IMAX 3D, and 4DX formats in the United States on March 4. Zootopia received positive reviews from critics, who praised its screenplay, animation, voice acting, subject matter, and Michael Giacchino's musical score. The film opened to record-breaking box offices in several countries, and earned a worldwide gross of over $1 billion, making it the fourth-highest-grossing film of 2016. Among other accolades, the film was named one of the top ten best films of 2016 by the American Film Institute and won Best Animated Feature at the 89th Academy Awards. A television spin-off series, Zootopia+, premiered on Disney+ on November 9, 2022, while a sequel, Zootopia 2, is scheduled for release on November 26, 2025.
Why did I think I could make a difference? Because you're a trier, that's why. You've always been a trier. Oh, I tried. And it made life so much worse for so many innocent predators. Not all of them, though. Speak of the devil. Right on time. Is that Gideon Grey? Yep. It sure is. We work with him now. He's our partner. And we would never have considered it had you not opened our minds. That's right. Gid's turned into one of the top pastry chefs in the tri-burrows.
I'll be darned. Hey, Judy. I'd just like to say I'm sorry for the way I behaved in my youth. I had a lot of self-doubt, and it manifested itself in the form of unchecked rage and aggression. I was a major jerk. I know a thing or two about being a jerk. Anyhow, I brought y'all these pies. Hey, kids, don't you run through that midnicampum holicithias. Well, now, there's a $4 word, Mr. H. My family always just called them Night Howlers. What did you say? Gid's talking about those flowers, Judy. I use them to keep the bugs off the produce... but I don't like the little ones going near 'em... on account of what happened to your uncle Terry. Yeah, Terry ate one whole when we were kids and went completely nuts. He bit the dickens out of your mother. A bunny can go savage. Savage? Well, that's a strong word. But it did hurt like the devil. Sure it did! There's a sizable divot in your arm. I'd call that savage. Night Howlers aren't wolves, they're flowers! The flowers are making the predators go savage! That's it! That's what I've been missing! Keys! Keys, keys, keys! Hurry! Come on! Thank you! I love you! Bye! You catch any of that, Bon? Not one bit. That makes me feel a little bit better. I thought she was talking in tongues.
I need to find Nick. Please. Nick? Nick! Oh, Nick. Night Howlers aren't wolves. They're toxic flowers. I think someone is targeting predators on purpose and making them go savage! Wow. Isn't that interesting? Wait! I know you'll never forgive me! And I don't blame you. I wouldn't forgive me either. I was ignorant... And irresponsible and small-minded.
But predators shouldn't have to suffer for my mistakes. I have to fix this. But I can't do it without you. And after we're done... you can hate me. And that'll be fine. Because I was a horrible friend... and I hurt you. And you can walk away knowing that you were right all along. I really am just a dumb bunny. I really am just a dumb bunny, I really am just a dumb bunny, Don't worry, Carrots. I'll let you erase it... in 48 hours. All right. Get in here. Okay. You bunnies are so emotional. There we go. Deep breath. Are you just trying to steal the pen? Is that what this is? You are standing on my tail, though. Off, off, off. I'm sorry.