Zootopia (titled Zootropolis or Zoomania in various regions) is a 2016 American animated buddy cop action comedy film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. It was directed by Byron Howard and Rich Moore, co-directed by Jared Bush (in his feature directorial debut), and produced by Clark Spencer, from a screenplay written by Bush and Phil Johnston, and a story by Howard, Moore, Bush, Johnston, Jim Reardon, Josie Trinidad, and Jennifer Lee. The film stars the voices of Ginnifer Goodwin, Jason Bateman, Idris Elba, Jenny Slate, Nate Torrence, Bonnie Hunt, Don Lake, Tommy Chong, J. K. Simmons, Octavia Spencer, Alan Tudyk, and Shakira. Taking place in the titular city where anthropomorphic mammals coexist, it tells a story of an unlikely partnership between a rabbit police officer and a fox con artist as they uncover a criminal conspiracy involving the disappearance of some of its predatory citizens. Zootopia premiered at the Brussels Animation Film Festival in Belgium on February 13, 2016, and went into general theatrical release in Disney Digital 3-D, RealD 3D, IMAX 3D, and 4DX formats in the United States on March 4. Zootopia received positive reviews from critics, who praised its screenplay, animation, voice acting, subject matter, and Michael Giacchino's musical score. The film opened to record-breaking box offices in several countries, and earned a worldwide gross of over $1 billion, making it the fourth-highest-grossing film of 2016. Among other accolades, the film was named one of the top ten best films of 2016 by the American Film Institute and won Best Animated Feature at the 89th Academy Awards. A television spin-off series, Zootopia+, premiered on Disney+ on November 9, 2022, while a sequel, Zootopia 2, is scheduled for release on November 26, 2025.
Wow! You are one hot dancer, Chief Bogo. - Chief Bogo! - Not now! Wait, is that Gazelle? No. I'm Gazelle, and you are one hot dancer. You have the app too? Chief! Clawhauser, can't you see I'm working on the missing mammal cases? Yes of course! About that, sir. Officer Hopps just called. She found all of them. Wow! I'm impressed.
Mayor Lionheart, you have the right to remain silent. Anything... You don't understand. I was trying to protect the city! You were just trying to protect your job. No. Listen, we still don't know why this is happening. It could destroy Zootopia. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.
14 mammals went missing... and all 14 have been found by our newest recruit... who will speak to you in a moment. But first, let me remind you... I'm so nervous. Okay. Press Conference 101. You wanna look smart? Answer their question with your own question... and then answer that question. Like this. "Excuse me. Officer Hopps, what can you tell us about the case?" "Well, was this a tough case? "Yes. Yes, it was." You see? You should be there with me. We did this together. Well, am I a cop? No. No, I am not.
Aw, is he gonna cry? Officer Hopps, could it happen again? It is possible. So we must be vigilant. And we at the ZPD are prepared and are here to protect you. Will more mammals go savage? What is being done to protect us? Have you considered a mandatory quarantine on predators? Okay, thank you, Officer Hopps. That's all the time that we have. No more questions. Was I okay? You did fine. That went so fast. I didn't get a chance to mention you, or say anything about how we... I think you said plenty. What do you mean? "Clearly there's a biological component?" "These predators may be reverting back to their primitive, savage ways?" Are you serious?
I just stated the facts of the case. I mean it's not like a bunny could go savage. Right. But a fox could? Nick, stop it. You're not like them. Oh, there's a "them" now? You know what I mean. You're not that kind of predator. The kind that needs to be muzzled? The kind that makes you think you need to carry around fox repellent? Yeah, don't think I didn't notice that little item the first time we met. So let me ask you a question. Are you afraid of me? Do you think I might go nuts? Do you think I might go savage? Do you think I might try to... eat you? I knew it. Just when I thought somebody actually believed in me. Probably best if you don't have a predator as a partner.
More bad news in this city gripped by fear. A caribou is in critical condition, the victim of a mauling... by a savage polar bear. This, the 27th such attack, comes just one week... after ZPD Officer Judy Hopps connected the violence to traditionally predatory animals. Meanwhile, a peace rally organized by pop star Gazelle... was marred by protest. Go back to the forest, predator! I'm from the savanna! Zootopia is a unique place. It's a crazy, beautiful, diverse city... where we celebrate our differences. This is not the Zootopia I know The Zootopia I know is better than this. We don't just blindly assign blame. We don't know why these attacks keep happening... but it is irresponsible to label all predators as savages.