Snatch is a 2000 crime comedy film written and directed by Guy Ritchie, featuring an ensemble cast and set in the London criminal underworld. The film contains two intertwined plots, one dealing with the search for a stolen diamond, the other with a small-time boxing promoter (Jason Statham) who finds himself under the thumb of a ruthless gangster (Alan Ford) who is ready and willing to have his subordinates carry out severe and sadistic acts of violence. The film shares themes, ideas, and motifs with Ritchie's first film Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. It is also filmed in the same visual style and features many of the same actors.
I don't want to go in there. He's a dangerous bastard. Taken too many disco biscuits in the heat of Russian disputations. He's got as many of these nuts as he has those nuts. I don't care if he's got fucking hazelnuts. I want a gun that works, and I'm gonna tell him. My God, Tommy, you certainly got those minerals. Well, come on, then before ''zee'' Germans get here.