Yeah, it's just, uh… just whale watching. Wait. I have an idea. We were actually gonna go to the water. We can walk you guys down, all chat and get to know each other a little bit more. -What do you say? -All right. Let's go get changed. [Kyla] Yay! I love your whole everything, by the way. -[man chanting] -[baby crying]
Vacation Friends
Three hundred and seventy-five yards. Dogleg left. Good luck hitting over the trees. [Bennett] And no backing out.
Vacation Friends
Feel the wind in your hair.
Vacation Friends
Never in my life did I think I'd have another friend like Charlie.
Vacation Friends
-No, you didn't. -No, I did. -No, you didn't. -I did. Totally. Here.
Vacation Friends
Okay. It's not that bad. Boom! Mind open.
Vacation Friends
-Yeah. -Yeah. Yeah. Right. She five and a half months. She ain't-- She don't look seven months at all, right? [chuckles] If she's seven months, then I'm three months.
Vacation Friends
Oh, my God, baby. Baby, I'm so glad you're okay. Look-- Look, y'all. I'm so-- I'm-- I'm so sorry, okay? I don't-- I don't know what happened. I'm usually the careful guy. -I don't-- I don't even know what to say. -I do.
Vacation Friends
Well, Marcus, good to have you back. That sunstroke is no joke. So, people, stay hydrated with-- with water. The marshals are very strict when it comes to alcohol, wagering and profanity.
Vacation Friends
Where'd you get that? Who cares? Just help me whup the Brooks Brothers over there. Come on. I would love to beat these two assholes… -Do it. -…but I suck at golf! That's why you're lucky I'm your best man.
Vacation Friends
[man rapping]
Vacation Friends
They said, "Oh, Marcus. Marcus is so-- so demanding, so-- so uncompromising." I must admit, it does sound like someone I know. [chuckles] Then they told me why your last marriage ended.
Vacation Friends
Or make a sound. Don't say a single word. You're talking right now. No, I'm not.
Vacation Friends
Our son who we're literally naming after you. [stammers] Yes, the baby. The baby named Marcus. -[Marcus laughs] -[Kyla giggles] And, look, y'all. I promise we'll be there. Yeah. So, where you guys thinking of having it?
Vacation Friends
[Emily] Grandma.
Vacation Friends
[Harold] What a treat. [laughs] -Please, come on and join us. -Okay. Wait. Harold, they can't stay. -Right? -Daddy, that's what you told us. It's all full, right?
Vacation Friends
What's there to get? I mean, everywhere we go, chaos happens. Right?