While the precise terms of his negotiation with the new government had never been announced, the result was an open secret, Zero Moustafa had traded a great and important fortune in exchange for one costly, unprofitable, doomed hotel.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
If you're not merely being polite, and you must tell me if that's the case, but if it genuinely does interest you, may I invite you to dine with me tonight, and it will be my pleasure and, indeed, my privilege to tell you "my story." Such as it is.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
MR. MOUSTAFA: There are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Well, it begins, as it must, with our mutual friend's predecessor. The beloved, original concierge of The Grand Budapest.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Well, hello there, chaps. We were just talking about you.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Documents, please. With pleasure, as always.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
I find these black uniforms very drab.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
These are in order. Wait in the corner.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Right away, sir. Hold it.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Read this.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
I give you my word, if you lay a finger on this man, I'll see you dishonorably discharged, locked up in the stockade and hanged by sundown.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Was it merely sentimental? It was quite forward of me and a bit out of character, but I felt I must know, for my health, I suppose.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced. How do you do?
The Grand Budapest Hotel
MR. MOUSTAFA: He was one of them. What more is there to say?
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Why are we stopping at a barley field again?
The Grand Budapest Hotel
The Grand Budapest Hotel
I want 50 men and 10 bloodhounds ready in five minutes. We're going to strip-search every pretzel-Ha us, Waffel-hut, Biergarten and especially every grand hotel from Äugenzburg to Zilchbrück.