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Thanks, Jerry. Jerry was just... Just faxed... Fixed the copier. I can make a copy later. - I gotta go. I'm gonna go. Okay. - Okay.
The Voices
Lisa, you dog.
The Voices
Jerry, I just need a whiff of her butt.
The Voices
- You're bad. - She's wrong. You're a good boy. They're both wrong. You are what you are. That's it.
The Voices
Jerry, let me go, for God's sake!
The Voices
- Do you wanna get a drink? - Yeah.
The Voices
- Now? - Yeah? Yeah! Okay.
The Voices
What's up, big guy? I was over here. Just thought I'd see what you're up to.
The Voices
Finish it. Finish it, please.
The Voices
We have to get going.
The Voices
Knock, knock. - Hey, Jerry. - Hey, Lisa.
The Voices
- Hey, Jerry? - What? They need you up in accounting. Some problem with payroll or something. Okay.
The Voices
- Sorry, I'm sorry. - No, don't be. Hey.
The Voices