Found 1443 results
Wiping ye burn with a hook for a hand is really hard.
The Lego Movie
Where are you getting "pants" from? You know what I want!
The Lego Movie
Vitruvius, which way to Cloud Cuckooland?
The Lego Movie
The last time we tried to storm Lord Business' office... we used every plan we could conceive.
The Lego Movie
We would rather he died than give it to you.
The Lego Movie
- Is it true? - Yes, but...
The Lego Movie
No. You must create the instructions in your mind, my liege.
The Lego Movie
The embodiment of good, foiler of evil.
The Lego Movie
I had this weird dream when I touched the Piece.
The Lego Movie
Hey, who is that?
The Lego Movie
Don't see a wheel...
The Lego Movie
Thank you, sir.
The Lego Movie
Okay, let me just find the wizard... and get this over with.
The Lego Movie
Of course not. Not if you keep telling him he can't.
The Lego Movie
But I can't do any of the stuff... that the prophecy says I'm supposed to do.
The Lego Movie
All you have to do is to believe.
The Lego Movie
Then we haven't a moment to lose.
The Lego Movie
Draw a cowboy hat on him.
The Lego Movie