Found 1443 results
Honey, where are my... pant“?
The Lego Movie
Uh... Ahem. Hey, everybody.
The Lego Movie
- Hi! - Hey, guess what.
The Lego Movie
That would be great... but Emmet is the one who found the Piece.
The Lego Movie
One minute, you're the most special person in the universe.
The Lego Movie
Um... Well, there's a lot of really cool stuff here.
The Lego Movie
Set the electric shocker to 100 Mississippi.
The Lego Movie
And everything is thought-out very...
The Lego Movie
Ah. Okay. Race car.
The Lego Movie
Don't see a wheel...
The Lego Movie
There it goes!
The Lego Movie
Well, for what it's worth... this has been about the greatest 15 minutes of my life.
The Lego Movie
Wyldstyle. The prophecy states that... you are The Special.
The Lego Movie
Thank you. But, you know, he's not, like... normal like us. No.
The Lego Movie
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, I didn't draw that. Is that me exploding?
The Lego Movie
- It's a battleship. - No, it's a hodgepodge. That's what it is.
The Lego Movie
It's my hand. I want you to take it.
The Lego Movie