Found 1443 results
Take him down, boys!
The Lego Movie
On three. One...
The Lego Movie
We'll start with how to become a MasterBuilder.
The Lego Movie
Hey, everyone!
The Lego Movie
You all need to be more friendly!
The Lego Movie
- ...chance! - She's right!
The Lego Movie
It's actually a funny story, right, Bat?
The Lego Movie
Oh, this better work. Hang tight!
The Lego Movie
Even if, you know... eventually it turned out to be pointless.
The Lego Movie
Wow. You actually did it.
The Lego Movie
- Emmet! - Emmet! Yay!
The Lego Movie
Emmet, we need to attach the wheel to something that spins around.
The Lego Movie
They're tearing me apart!
The Lego Movie
Well, for what it's worth... this has been about the greatest 15 minutes of my life.
The Lego Movie
Emmet, this is my boyfriend, Batman.
The Lego Movie
- What? - Oh, sorry. Batman, this is Emmet.
The Lego Movie