Found 909 results
I thought it might be too much.
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Would you like to join me?
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The day you lost him.
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Happy birthday.
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ANNE: Oh. Lovely cake.
The Favourite
The Favourite
He probably just assumed that you've been working on her.
The Favourite
The Favourite
I think a very good match.
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The Favourite
The Favourite
The Favourite
The Favourite
The debt was to a balloon-shaped German man with a thin cock. Thankfully, I managed to convince him a woman has her blood in 28 days a month.
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Shall we go ask her? - No. - [MUFFLED LAUGHTER]
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I imagine it'd be pointless, and I would dash the letter into the fire, but I cannot stop her.
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ABIGAIL: I'm sorry, Your Majesty.
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