Did you file the motion of continuance? Peabody v. Henderson? It was sustained. Good.
Moonrise Kingdom
You're doing the right thing.
Moonrise Kingdom
I have to do better, for everybody. Except me. Except you.
Moonrise Kingdom
He's a fellow Khaki Scout, and he needs our help. Are we man enough to give that so part of his brain doesn't get removed out of him?
Moonrise Kingdom
Get out of my chimney. Listen to me. We're here for friendship. We're going to get you off this island. No, thanks. Yes, thanks. This is an emergency rescue.
Moonrise Kingdom
This is the island of St. Jack Wood, extending far north from Land's End along the deep water channel that leads to Broken Rock.
Moonrise Kingdom
Did you leave another note for Lionel? Not this time. He can't keep his trap shut. Besides, I'll probably never see him again. True.
Moonrise Kingdom
The time is now 4:35 a.m.
Moonrise Kingdom
I can't offer you a legally binding union. It won't hold up in the state, the county, or, frankly, any courtroom in the world due to your age, lack of a license, and failure to get parental consent. But the ritual does carry a very important moral weight within yourselves. You can't enter into this lightly. Look into my eyes. - Do you love each other? - Yes, we do. But think about what I'm saying. Are you sure you're ready for this? - Yes, we are. - They're not listening to me. - Let me rephrase it. - We're in a hurry. Are you chewing... Spit out the gum, sister. In fact, everybody.
Moonrise Kingdom
How'd you lose your parents?
Moonrise Kingdom
This is the island of New Penzance.
Moonrise Kingdom
Forested with old-growth pine and maple.
Moonrise Kingdom
In three days' time.
Moonrise Kingdom
Chickchaw territory.
Moonrise Kingdom
16 miles long.
Moonrise Kingdom
We are on the far edge of Black Beacon Sound, famous for the ferocious and well-documented storm, which will strike from the east on the 5th of September.