‐ What's he talking about? Your sister and Abraham boned each other. ‐ She wakes up with him every single day and then probably sneaks out in the morning. God, no wonder she hates herself. Here, smell this. - From Abe's room. - Shut up and sit down. You're drunk. ‐ Nyles, what are you doing? ‐ Just shut up and go fuck Trevor. ‐ That isn't true, is it?
Palm Springs
He's trying to kill me!
Palm Springs
‐ So, did anyone actually see her sleep in there last night? She wakes me up every morning, guys, so she's got to be somewhere. ‐ Nyles, what are you doing? ‐ Sarah! Come on out!
Palm Springs
What room is Sarah staying at?
Palm Springs
Uh, okay!
Palm Springs
‐ What? No. No! This guy's been drunk all day. ‐ That may be accurate. However, if you do smell the pillow, you will recognize the distinct scent of Orchid Explosion by Fournier, the hair mist you got for Sarah on her birthday.
Palm Springs
Wake up. Where is she? Seriously, did she tell you guys to do this. You didn't go in the cave, but she told you to do this, right? ‐ I don't‐‐ I don't feel safe with him in the ho‐‐ I feel like we should call the cops. ‐ That's, like, honestly‐‐ ‐ Sarah! ‐ I don't feel safe anymore. And how gorgeous are these two? I mean, hashtag lifegoals, am I right, guys? Hmm. - We're so bad. - Hmm. ‐ Hold my leg up. ‐ Wake up. Airforce Reserves, I ate three whole pizzas. Randy, you have the best stories. - I know. - Hey! ‐ Oh my God. The wedding guy's here.
Palm Springs
‐ Him? ‐ Roy.
Palm Springs
But you don't actually believe any of the shit that you said? ‐ Not a word of it. We're all fucking alone.
Palm Springs
Hey, uh, you don't want to maybe go some place where we could be alone, do you? ‐ Wow! That is very forward of you.
Palm Springs
I'm coming out!
Palm Springs
‐ Yeah, I bet.
Palm Springs
We did hook up before. A lot.
Palm Springs
‐ Plantar fasciitis, actually. ‐ Ah, respect.
Palm Springs
Palm Springs
What did you say? ‐ Wha‐‐ I didn't say‐‐ ‐ Answer me.