You're the guy who beat up my dad. H9)'- No. Sucker-punched your dad. Big difference. But don't worry. He just did it for money. (CHUCKLES) You beat people up and charge money? Yeah. Sad, isn't it? - That's really your job? - Yeah. - No way. - Yeah. So, um, how much would you charge to beat up my friend Janet? - What? - How much you got? - Thirty bucks. - Look, apple pie. - JACKSON: Is she a big girl? - She's tall. Super annoying. - HOLLAND: Apple pie. - She's always mean to me. This conversation is over. We're just talking. And it's over.
The Nice Guys
But I persevere, you know. I run the tape through and I think, "Okay, maybe there was a girl there." Amelia? The old lady saw Amelia? Well, look who decided to show up for class. Yeah. There's a gate guard, he keeps track of all the cars that go in and out. So I checked with him, I ran the plate, I got the name. And?
The Nice Guys
$400, two days. We find her earlier, I still get to keep it. Done. HOLLAND". Deal. Great. 'Cause I already know where she is.
The Nice Guys
Fuck you. Come on, $600? That's fucking robbery. I've only got $400. Well, it's early. You can go rob a bank if you hurry.
The Nice Guys
Last week this old broad comes to me and she asks me to find her niece, Misty Mountains. Misty Mountains?
The Nice Guys
What does that mean? Fuck it.
The Nice Guys
So, two days in advance. $400.
The Nice Guys
JACKSON: $400, that's all.
The Nice Guys
-(EXCLAIMS) - Jesus!
The Nice Guys
You know, the thing about keeping your mouth closed is it prevents you from speaking. Sure. Unless, of course, you're a ventriloquist. Fuck those guys. You can always see their mouths moving. You can what? Ventriloquism, it doesn't work. (CHUCKLES) Sometimes. Never.
The Nice Guys
Yeah, I get it, you know. Like it's very clever. I'm hip. But this is actually a really serious matter. So is this. We've all been killed. No, you haven't. Fuck you, man. We're dead! They can't talk to you, man. They're dead. What's the protest about? Do you know?
The Nice Guys
This place looks so much bigger now. Do you even really know Amelia, Chet? Uh, yeah, well, like kind of like mainly through Dean. Dean was a filmmaker. Um...
The Nice Guys
JACKSON". Adult film star Misty Mountains, shown here at last month's Detroit auto show. High-profile case for you, right? Made the newspapers.
The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys
You spend the other half trying to translate fuckwit to English. And when it's over, the only thing that's changed is that the sun went down twice. And nothing ever works out, is that what you're trying to say? Never. But you get paid. Sometimes.