Oh. All right. Don't be a dick about it. Thank you for that. All right, let's hit the road, okay?
The Heat
You read my file, didn't you? God, you're an asshole! Yes, I read it, but it is my job to know everything about a case, including who I work with.
The Heat
It's pajamas.
The Heat
Come inside, lie down in my head?
The Heat
You can't even keep a cat. That hurts a little bit. That's just the grief. No, not the grief.
The Heat
Are you an insurance salesman? Do you sell those shitty suits? I'm Special Agent Sarah Ashburn. How can I help you? You can get all of that and get the fuck out of here. This is my room Were you about to be questioned by a detective? I am a detective and that's my perp.
The Heat
Ah! I understand now.
The Heat
You are so concerned about taking down a guy like Rojas... ...wasting all this time when I could have stopped a drug lord who is far more dangerous... ...and supplies to people like Rojas. Bullshit. Who?
The Heat
What is that? What does that mean? Not what you want it to mean.
The Heat
Will you stop pulling my pants off?
The Heat
I've been waiting to do this a long time.
The Heat
That fucking tabby is an asshole, that's what he is.
The Heat
The Heat
But you need to understand that this is a highly important case.
The Heat
That would have been crazy. That would have been bad. That would have been bad!