SORTILÈGE: It was occurring to Doc now... ...something Jade said once about vertical integration... ...that if the Golden Fang can get its customers strung out... ...why not turn around and sell them a program to help kick? Get them coming and going. Twice as much revenue. As long as American life was something to be escaped from... ...the cartel could always be sure of a bottomless pool of new customers. [CHANTING]
Inherent Vice
Every contact leaves traces. It would sure be ironic, is all I'm saying... ...if Blatnoyd was bit to death by a golden fang... ...or, like, even better, like, two golden fangs? I don't see why any of this would be material. Because it's the Golden Fang. - It's the decedent's tax shelter. So, what? - No, man, it's not a tax shelter. It's something, Bigfoot, man, much more, more vast.
Inherent Vice
You don't have to say a word out loud. They get it all by ESP.
No. Look, I've been referred to... ...more than one time by the L.A. Times... a Renaissance detective. Okay? Which means I am many things. One thing I am not is stupid... purely out of noblesse oblige, I extend this assumption to cover you as well. What the fuck? Hey, Saunch. What's up, Doc? You know you have no case here. So if you're gonna charge him, you better. Otherwise, you have to let him go. Remember who this is you're talking to. That's Bigfoot Bjornsen. Renaissance cop.
Inherent Vice
So, what's all this now?
Inherent Vice
...some sort of incident occurs in the vicinity of Channel View Estates. Firearms are discharged. When the dust settles, we find one Glen Charlock deceased. But more compellingly for L.A.P.D. is the man Charlock was supposed to be guarding. Michael Z. Wolfmann has vanished... local law enforcement less than 24 hours... ...before the Feds call it a kidnapping and come in to fuck everything up. So perhaps, Sportello, you can help forestall this... providing the names of the other members of your cult.
Inherent Vice
And welcome to a world of inconvenience. SORTILÈGE: Well, morning, Sam. Like a bad luck planet in today's horoscope... Where's the old hippie-hating mad dog himself in the flesh: Lieutenant Detective Christian F. Bigfoot Bjornsen. SAG member, John Wayne walk, flattop of Flintstone proportions... ...and that little evil-shit twinkle in his eye that says "civil rights violations." What's up, Doc?