- I can tell. - Really? - We ready to go? - Yeah. - I know Abby is. - Great. Let's go. - Take care. Thanks. - Okay.
The Ugly Truth
- Oh, God. - Hold that shot with Georgia and Mike. He just talked about her age. - She's gonna kill me. - Well...
The Ugly Truth
Oh, okay. - Hang on a second. - Hang on a second. Sure.
The Ugly Truth
Amazing. And they're of...
The Ugly Truth
Way to go, Abby.
The Ugly Truth
You okay?
The Ugly Truth
Don't ask.
The Ugly Truth
Length is very important. We need short enough to see some thigh, but not so short to see vag. - Vag says you're trying too hard. - You think? Jeans are all about the curvature of the ass. You've... Well, you've got the raw materials. Now all you need is the proper presentation. - Did you just tell me I have a nice ass? - Do you have to be so crass? Jesus. Rule number four: never talk about your problems... ...because men don't really listen or care. - Some men care. - No, some men pretend to care. When we ask you how you're doing, it's guy code for: "Let me stick my dick in your ass." Oh, I know you think Colin is above it all, but trust me, he's a guy. If he's even remotely into you... ...he's probably thought about your orifices at least 10 times. I love how you assume all men are as perverse as you are. Oh, I don't assume. I know.
The Ugly Truth
Craig Ferguson is his audition. - You can't be serious. - Oh, I'm serious. If Bob and Harold find out about this, we're dead. Now, I need you to fly out there and talk him out of it. I'm going to Lake Tahoe this weekend. Don't let him know that you know. Go ahead and let him do the show, get us our publicity... ...and then convince him that he needs to sign on with us... ...for the next three years. That's all we can do.
The Ugly Truth
They don't even know they're on the air, do they? Is there any way to tell them they're on the air? - Nope. - Oh, they're gonna curse. I know it.
The Ugly Truth
Larry, Georgia, listen to me. I want you to skewer him.
The Ugly Truth
Should I tell Colin to go? No.
The Ugly Truth
So, what do you think of the new set?
The Ugly Truth
What are you doing?
The Ugly Truth
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
The Ugly Truth
- Well, that went well, I think. - Sure did. - Yeah. - Let's get a drink. Bob and Harold...
The Ugly Truth
Well, then let's pick him up on the way. - Come on, let's go. Right now. - Come on. Come on, let's go.
The Ugly Truth
All right, deal. Now what? Always make an impression.