Nobody's reporting anybody. It's fine, Teddy. Have a little fun. - Careful. - What? Oh. What is this? Roasting marshmallows? Nice touch. - That was Alan's idea. - Oh. Good thinking, Alan.
The Hangover Part II
I think it's happened again.
The Hangover Part II
We don't know.
The Hangover Part II
Uh, yeah. Bring him up.
The Hangover Part II
Little worse than that.
The Hangover Part II
Where would your sperm come from? From my balls. Hold on. Back up. Wait, wait. Are you...? Hey. You in Bangkok, sweetie. There's a reason they don't call it Bangcunt. Oh!
The Hangover Part II
I had to ask him slow down so I don't drop my load too quick. Load? What load? Oh, you know. My sperms.
The Hangover Part II
If I could save time in a bottle The first thing that I'd like to do Is to save every day Till eternity passes away Just to spend them with you Are you guys seriously this calm? Relax, Stuart. It's classic switcheroo. I give him money, he gives us Teddy. Ever do anything that doesn't end up in a standoff? I'm an international criminal. It always ends like this. I met my wife at one of these things. You have a wife? Yeah. We married 15 years. What, Chow not good-looking enough for woman?
The Hangover Part II
There's Teddy.
The Hangover Part II
Aah! Fuck!
The Hangover Part II
- All right, here we go. - Come on.
The Hangover Part II
Excuse me.
The Hangover Part II
He's so strong!
The Hangover Part II
Okay, I got it. Teddy was hit by a truck.
The Hangover Part II
Think of him like monkey drug mule.
The Hangover Part II
Fuck the police! Fuck the police!
The Hangover Part II
Where's Teddy? He's waiting downstairs in my car. We'll send him up... when the transfer is complete. - Tell you what: Give me extra 50 grand, you keep Teddy. And I throw in this other fat fuck for free.