Totally fixable. A bit of sod, we'll be fine. - Baby! - Oh, my God. - Hi. - Ah, I'm so happy to see you.
The Hangover Part II
You don't understand. Look. There they are.
The Hangover Part II
And sorry we trenched the lawn here.
The Hangover Part II
Daddy, how can you do this?
The Hangover Part II
So beautiful.
The Hangover Part II
Phil? Put the prescription pad back.
The Hangover Part II
Yeah, actually. You're getting married in Thailand. For starters, that's flights for me and Steph. That's two grand right there. My mother-in-law's watching the kids. Now she's got this whole new thing to hold over my head. Plus it takes five days to get there. It's a 16-hour flight. And it's beautiful when you get there. - Whatever. it's a hassle. - It is kind of far.
The Hangover Part II
You know, I gotta hand it to you, Stu. This place is paradise. Not bad, right? And I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually jealous of you. I mean, Lauren is an angel. Yeah, she really is amazing. Wow, you guys are sweet. Not big breasts on her, but still, solid rack for an Asian. Sorry, Teddy, but it's true.
The Hangover Part II
Hi. This is Dr. Stu Price. I'm getting married, so I'll be out of the country for two weeks. I'm not sure if I'll have cell service. If this is a dental emergency, plea...
The Hangover Part II
Thank you. It's gonna be fun.
The Hangover Part II
Like no wedding bad? Yeah.
The Hangover Part II
Excuse me.
The Hangover Part II
The Hangover Part II
I picked you up in my boat and I brought you here to Bangkok. And we had a sick night, bitches! Whoa, whoa. Wait, wait, wait. Wait a second, Chow. Chow, we're in Bangkok? Holler! City of squalor! Do you know how I got this tattoo? Uh, yeah. From a fucking tattoo guy. Come on, Stewie. Use that big Jewish brain. Hey, what's the monkey holding?
The Hangover Part II
He just did.
The Hangover Part II
Oh, look who it is.
The Hangover Part II
How'd we wind up with the monkey last night? Well, I needed some blow and Alan thought he was cute, so we stole him.
The Hangover Part II
I... Okay. I just grab it? - Yeah, just do it, Stu. Just do it. - Hey, monkey! - Alan, shh. - Hi.