- That's beautiful. - Okay, okay, okay. You convinced me. - Count me in, too. - All right, we're in. - Great! Now, let's do this. - Yeah, let's do this! - Oh, yeah! Awesome! - Let's make it happen. Whoa, cool. That is so cool. - To the bikes! - Yeah!
The Grinch
Gadgets and gizmos, and dolls with strange names, goofballs and shloof-balls and video games.
The Grinch
It was the day before Christmas, and the Whos were abuzz, all doing the things that a Christmas Who does.
The Grinch
House number one.
The Grinch
The Grinch
Ah. Huh?
The Grinch
It's go time. ♪ What are the rules for breakfast today? ♪ ♪ What are the words I'm forbidden to say? ♪ ♪ I need to let my hair down ♪ ♪ And grow it like a real ah, ah, ah. ♪ And now... the question we have all been waiting for: How will I steal Christmas? Well, prepare to have your little doggy mind blown. Poof.
The Grinch
Oh! Okay! All right, how about that? Now, let's pick up the pace and see how she handles. Oh, ho-ho!
The Grinch
Now, reindeer migrate, so maybe we'll catch a few headed south for the winter. I also read that they tend to mate in densely wooded... Will you stop following us?! Shoo! Away! Go back to the goat farm. Go eat a can.
The Grinch
I just met the strangest little Who girl.
The Grinch
This is the loudest snow I've ever heard in my life. You two, go around the back. Wait for me to drop the sleigh from the roof. Okay?
The Grinch
Mmm! Now, that is a great cup of coffee.
The Grinch
Uh... hello. Hi. Remember me? Yes. Yes, I do. I remember you. My name is Cindy-Lou. Cindy-Lou Who. It's nice to meet you, Cindy-Lou. Uh, oh, m-my name is Grinch. And, uh, th-this is Max. Whoa! Nice to meet you, Max. I just came to invite you to our house for Christmas dinner. What? Me? But I took your gifts. - Yeah, I know. - And your trees. Yup. I stole your whole Christmas. I know you did. But we're inviting you anyway. But why? Because... you've been alone long enough.
The Grinch
So, what do we know? Waffles are delicious. Super delicious. But I meant about meeting Santa. We know no one's ever done it. Hmm... Okay. How about this? I'm going to sit in the living room with my eyes wide open like this, and if I start to drift off, I'll just open them wider! Um, I'm pretty sure you're gonna fall asleep. - And by the time you wake up... - He'll be gone. Nothing but cookie crumbs. Yeah, you're right. - I got it! - Tell me! Maple syrup. All right, maple syrup. We pour it on the roof, the reindeer get stuck, and then they can't fly away. Science! Won't the syrup just freeze? - Good point. - Also, how do we get all that syrup on the roof? Yeah, I got nothing.
The Grinch
Ta-da! That's right, I become... Santa Claus. But instead of giving all the joy and happiness, I'll take it away. If he can deliver Christmas to the whole world in one night, then I can certainly steal it from little old Who-ville. I mean, come on. What's Santa have that I don't? That's hurtful. Um, what are you doing with my bowling ball? Chasing it. And you're taking it where? - It's a secret. - All right. But not without breakfast. Catch! Whoa! Waffles! My favorite! Thanks! See you guys later! Here we go. - Hey, Cindy-Lou. - Oh, hey there, Mr. Cubbins.
The Grinch
Well... uh, one of the lights wasn't working, so I thought I'd take it back to the workshop and see if I could fix it. I didn't know you did that. Yeah. Sure. Now, why don't you go back upstairs to bed, and then when you wake up, the tree will be fixed - and your presents will be waiting under it. - Wait. You don't understand. I don't want presents. Of course you do. Everyone wants presents. No, no, really, I don't. I want you to help my mom. Y-Your mom? Yeah. She works so hard and is always doing stuff for other people. And I just want her to be happy. You want me to help... your mom? You're Santa. You make people happy. And everyone should be happy, right? Y-Yeah, I... I guess they should. Santa, are... are you okay? What? Uh... yeah. I'm fine.
The Grinch
- ♪ Santa Claus is coming to town ♪ - Hmm? ♪ Santa Claus ♪ ♪ Is coming to town... ♪ ♪ Feliz Navidad... ♪ ♪ Yo, it's Christmas, no dissin' ♪ ♪ Listen, all you listeners... ♪ ♪ On the first day of Christmas ♪ ♪ My true love sent to me ♪ ♪ A partridge ♪ ♪ In a pear tree... ♪ ♪ On the second day of Christmas ♪ - ♪ My true love sent to me ♪ - Max...! ♪ Two turtle doves... ♪ ♪ You're a mean one ♪ - ♪ You really are a heel ♪ - Max...! ♪ You're as cuddly as a cactus ♪ ♪ You're as charming as an eel ♪ ♪ Mr. Grinch ♪ ♪ You're a bad banana, huh ♪ ♪ Mr. Grinch ♪ ♪ With a greasy black peel ♪ ♪ You're a vile one ♪ ♪ You got termites in your smile ♪ ♪ You have all the bittersweetness ♪ ♪ Of a seasick crocodile ♪ ♪ Mr. Grinch ♪ ♪ You're a foul one ♪ ♪ Friends, you don't have none ♪ ♪ I wouldn't touch you ♪ ♪ With a thirty-nine- and-a-half-foot pole ♪ ♪ You're a monster ♪ ♪ Your heart's an empty hole ♪ - ♪ You have garlic ♪ - ♪ You've got garlic ♪ ♪ In your soul ♪ ♪ You've got garlic in your soul ♪ ♪ All them smiles, homie ♪ ♪ I turn 'em frowns, all them decorations ♪ ♪ I tear 'em down, you can ask Max ♪ - ♪ I don't play around ♪ - ♪ La, la, la, la ♪ ♪ Hey, oh ♪ ♪ Ew... ♪ ♪ Who is this mean fellow ♪ ♪ With his skin all green ♪ - ♪ And his teeth all yellow? ♪ - ♪ Ew... ♪ ♪ What you so mad for? Halloween come around ♪ ♪ And we ain't knocking at your door, man ♪ ♪ Mr. Grinch, you're a bad banana ♪ ♪ You gonna spoil everybody with your bad attitude ♪ ♪ You gon' spoil everybody ♪ ♪ Mr. Grinch ♪ - ♪ La, la, la... ♪ - ♪ Who is this mean fellow ♪ ♪ With his skin all green and his teeth all yellow? ♪ - Ooh! - ♪ What you so mad for? ♪ ♪ Halloween come around ♪ ♪ And we ain't knocking at your door... ♪
The Grinch
Santa Claus. Oh. Uh, hello. A little help, please? I'll let you down. Just give me a minute. Oh, that would be great. I'm coming. Just trying to remember... which cord it is. Oh, no! I'm so sorry. Are you okay? Yeah. I-I guess so. Let me help you. Sit down here. - Whew. - Drink this. It'll make you feel better. Uh... thanks.