Wow, I got to admit, this is actually amazing. What's even more amazing, I signed us up for a seven-hour mule tour. Dad, doesn't that sound steep and dangerous? Katie, what could go wr-- Get to the bridge if you wanna live! What about Prancer? [Rick] Prancer belongs to the canyon now! [cartoony music playing]
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
Behold, the ma-- [yells] He licked my mouth again! -[Katie] Dad, can you check the trunk? -Yeah, sure, what-- Ah, nasty!
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
[birds chirping] [both laughing]
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
[TV clicks on, static crackles]
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
[camera beeps]
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
This is totally unrelated. [retching] This is totally unrel-- -[horns honking] -Ugh, stupid traffic. -You know what this calls for? -[Katie sighs] Please don't say the-- The Rick Mitchell Special, baby! [laughs] This is illegal! It's not illegal if you're good at it. -[all screaming] -[horn drones] If you think about it, I was helping the flow of traffic. [chuckles] What… what are you writing down?