Wait. If that video were on those screens, it would take out every robot in her way. -Hey, you're a big nerd, right? -Huh? -How would I do that? -It's impossible. First, you'd need to get out of here. The controls are in here.
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
Here we go. Dog video.
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
Dad, come on.
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
Well, look, let me just, uh… Hey, take this.
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
You know how to say "I love you" in moose language? Let me just… -[bellows] -[laughing] Don't you laugh. Come on. You're supposed to be sad. -Come on-- -[laughing]
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
And now, the Mitchell family talent show! ♪ Mi-ya-ha-ha ♪ [singing along] ♪ Mi-ya-hee ♪ ♪ Mi-ya-ha ♪ ♪ Mi-ya-hoo ♪ ♪ Mi-ya-ha-ha ♪ -♪ So live your life ♪ -♪ Hey ♪ ♪ Hey, hey, hey… ♪ [chuckling]
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
-[fly buzzes] -[gulps] -♪ Here we stand ♪ -[truck horn honks] ♪ Like an Adam and an Eve… ♪ [Rick] Ah, smell that open road air. [chuckles]
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
You what? Don't freak out. I know you're excited. We are gonna drive you to school on a cross-country road trip as a family. Why not pull up to school in old Iron Eagle here? It's got character, class, and some green ooze we can learn about together. And it comes with one coupon for a father-daughter stick shift lesson. [laughing] Right? -Yeah! -Uh, Mom? Well, your father kind of went rogue on this one a little bit.
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
-Bye, Monch. -♪ Cal… ♪ [song stops] [tense music playing] Wait, why do you, uh, why do you need all that to take me to the airport? I messed things up last night, but I'm gonna make it up to you.
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
I canceled your plane ticket to college.
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
[cell phone whooshes]
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
All right, let's fix it.
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
[both laughing] You know, I created you when I was a young man, three years ago, and I, uh… I've always thought of you as, like, family to me, seriously.
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
♪ California ♪ -Bring it in, buddy. -[camera shutter clicks] ♪ When you think I'm looking sad ♪
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
Ugh, I wish I could be there. I don't know. These things are never that exciting. [Emcee] Are you ready for the most exciting night of all time? [dance music playing] [excited chatter] ♪ I can feel it Goin' to my head ♪ ♪ Keep me up I can sleep when I'm dead… ♪ [Mark] Oh! Whoa! Yes! Getting pumped up! [whoops]
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
That video is amazing. Your dog is, like, legendary. [chuckles] I know, right? I'm planning on making-- Hey, kids, there's supposed to be some great hikes around here. Uh, no, that's okay. [girl 2] He's like the De Niro to your Scorsese. You sure? Hey, it's elk country. Uh, Dad, we're busy.