So I was sitting, yeah... Basically, I was sitting right here, and he was sitting right there. -Here? [chuckles] -Right there, yeah. [cell phone vibrates, chimes] Oh, sorry. Overbearing brother. Oh, I have one of those. Uh, a sister. Always has to know where I am. -Right. -[cell phone chiming] -I feel that, clearly. -[chuckles] Always thinks she knows better, too. Even when it's been factually proven otherwise? Exactly. And it's not that I don't love her. No, of course. It'd just be nice not to have someone-- Constantly breathing down your neck. -From the moment you wake up! -'Cause I'm not a kid anymore. No! I'm a month younger, one month exactly. And do we have to do every single thing together? [both] No! -[both chuckle] -[footsteps approaching] Oh! Billy! What... What a coinkidink! Um... I was just telling my friend Anne -what a great guy you are. -We need to talk. We need to talk. This guy loves to talk. -He's a great talker. -Freddy. -I have to talk to him. I'll be right back. -Okay.
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
You know I've actually never, never been up here. Don't lie. [chuckles] This is where you hang out with your superhero friends, isn't it? No, actually, why would they ever have to... Why would they ever come here? I mean they have, yes, they've driven by... Do you actually know those guys? Or is this like a "Canadian girlfriend" situation? Oh, you mean Collette? Well, she and I aren't really exclusive, as of now. [chuckles]
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
Oh, yeah, of course. Totally. -Yeah. Follow me. -Okay, yeah. So, basically, it's a table down at the end. [people chattering]
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
Armored car heist? [chuckles] I think I got that in the bag. [rock music playing] -Shazam! -[lightning cracks]
[Freddy] Nope, over it. Done it. Check fraud? What, are you kidding me? [gasps]
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
Hey, Freddy? -[dog barking in distance] -[crickets chirping]
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
[enchanting music playing]
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
You are a lost boy who likes to make-believe that he's a warrior. Okay, look. I might not have as much experience as you 'cause I'm not, like, super old like you, but I think I have a few experiences that you don't have. 'Cause I've seen all of the Fast and the Furious movies, lady. And let me tell you something. It's all about family! [music swells] -[music stops] -[birds cawing]
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
Now, imagine it is not money, but the lifeblood of your father. The last breath of your mother. The power of all the gods, the magic of the entire realm that was stolen. And now this magic courses through you, and you have the gall to believe that you deserve it? This is very personal, Billy.
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
And say, in this pursuit the thieves dropped the money on the ground and your neighbor picked it up and kept it.