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[loudly] Freddy!

Shazam! Fury of the Gods


Shazam! Fury of the Gods

-Billy Batson! -[Shazam screams] You are a fool of a champion. What the hell... What the hell is going on? What happened to her beautiful face? Also, aren't you, like, dead-ass dead? I bring a warning from beyond your realm. The daughters of Atlas are coming for you. Daughters of Atlas? They're coming to unmake your world and torture mankind for all eternity -in the Pit of Endless Agony. -Okay, I feel like maybe I should be writing all this down. -Quiet! -Okay, okay. You don't know what you've done. I regret ever choosing you. Because of you, the barrier between the world has been brought down. They will be hunting for you now. Hunting your family.

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

So, from the top. What is Thundercrack's Make-A-Wish kid? Yeah. Um, it's real inside baseball, but basically, a while ago I happened to have some lunch in the cafeteria with a few superheroes. Wait, the kid who's friends with superheroes. -That was you? -Yeah. And they're still dicks to you? Sadly, just 'cause you know someone cool, doesn't really necessarily make you cool. You seem pretty cool to me.

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

[cork pops] Wow. Um... [chuckles] I'm flattered that you feel this way. Truly, I mean, you know, like, look at all this, you know... Romantic setting and fancy champagne, big plates, tiny food. I mean, you went all out.

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

[in English] Good, little one. Well done. Now go find me the one responsible for this.

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

Maybe we'll, uh... seal it with a kiss? [sentimental piano music playing]

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

You know what? Screw it. Let's try. Let's try this crazy thing.

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

[wizard gasping] [unsettling music playing]

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

That I'm gonna let you down.

Shazam! Fury of the Gods


Shazam! Fury of the Gods

Wait, didn't you tell us the wizard disintegrated? The skin peeled off his face. He turned into a literal pile of ash. -Yeah, seems definitive. -I dunno. Yeah. Except now he's in my dreams and, Freddy, he's trying to give me a message. [snaps fingers] Could be astral projection powers. -What's that? -Obi-Wan Kenobi-ing you -from the great beyond? -That's it, I'm calling an emergency meeting after school. -I want you there. -Where else am I gonna go? -What? -Dude. [Freddy reading indistinctly] Okay, first of all, I didn't explode it! All right? It was already like that and, and, and... What is that, the Tribune? It's fake news! Freddy, we only have one rule. [both] All or none. And it's a stupid rule, by the way. I have a girl talking to me, Billy. A girl. For the first time in my life! And I probably don't have a shot in hell with this girl, but I'll never find out if you keep trying to control everything I wanna do! Just be at the Rock, Freddy. [sighs] Okay. Mmm. By the way, uh, she has a sister. Total control freak. I think you guys would get along. Think you'd love her, actually. [Shazam] Look, look, look. Fam, I know it sounds crazy. And, and obviously I don't know exactly what this all means but, but he was super aggro and super loud and he was trying to warn us, I think. He was yelling about all this wizard-y mumbo-jumbo about realms and stuff. Do you have to talk so loud? Yeah, Mary, 'cause this is not that loud. I think this is a perfectly acceptable indoor voice volume. What is the deal? Are you okay? -Yeah. -Why do you have sunglasses on? Did you go to the eye doctor this morning? -[snorts] -[Shazam chuckles] I dunno, it looks to me like Mary did go to the eye doctor, but it was last night, and she had a lot of fun. In point of fact, I did have a great time. I met other people my age and I enjoyed myself. You made friends at the eye doctor? No, she... Yeah, can we get back on track? Listen, he's yelling at me and he's saying the daughters of Atlas are coming to hunt us. So, check out what I found. "The daughters of Atlas are the offspring of the Titan Atlas..." which is obvious, but also Nyx, the Goddess of Night and Death. Well, good things can happen at night. -And death. -[sighs] Let me see this. [intriguing music playing]

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

"The daughters guard the mythic Tree of Life which grows golden apples that contain the seeds of life which gave birth to their realm protected by a... -dragon." -Hey, now. And I am suddenly here for this. I know, right? 'Cause, like, on one hand, totally terrifying. -On the other hand, dragon! -Dragon! Mary. What are we doin'? I don't know, man. This is your meeting. Right, yes, fine, but we all need to be on the same page and, and, and look, I often think that you think better than me. The wizard did not exactly give me a tutorial here, guys, okay? Like, I don't know how a lot of this stuff works. That, that room of doors, or that violin that is, like, constantly burning which is super weird but also definitely keeps the lair cozy, right? He didn't even tell me my superhero name. And it's not like I'm not tryin'. But I really, really need your help.

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

[chuckles] What? You call the pen "Steve"? Yeah, I thought he looked like a "Steve." [superhero Darla] He totally looks like a "Steve." -"'Crime and Punishment,' a book report by Pedro Pena?" -Yeah. -[Shazam laughs] -Pedro. -Dude, that's cheating. -I mean, he knows everything. -Hmm. -Seriously. Ask him. You can just ask him stuff? -Pretty much. -[Shazam] Slick. Okay, cool. Steve, we're looking for information about the daughters of Atlas. Can you please help us with that?

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

-These are book titles. -[Shazam] Okay. Let's just all pick a book, or something. Where's Freddy? I mean, obscure mythology? Definitely his thing. I'm not even sure Freddy knows what his thing is anymore.

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

Shut up. That lights up? [rumbling] Shut up.

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

[captivating music playing]

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

-[shatters] -[gasps]

Shazam! Fury of the Gods