-Solomon. -Exactly. We, we set up a meeting. Yeah, we tell 'em we want to negotiate. Offer up our powers for Freddy. But then we grab one of them and that's what we really use to trade! But what if they steal our powers? No, they won't, 'cause we know how they work now. You know what I mean? If they just point that staff at us, we dodge. [imitates whooshing sounds] Like dodgeball. -Hmm. -Dude, I suck at dodgeball. Well, maybe Pedro sucks at dodgeball, but not Super Pedro. No, Super Pedro also sucks at dodgeball. Fine. Listen, all I know is that there's five of us and three of them. So I think we should send them a little invitation.
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
[news anchor] From City Line Avenue in the north to the western shore of the Schuylkill River to Cobbs Creek. The unidentified barrier appears to be in the shape of a dome with no one allowed into the city or out with some suggesting this strange magical element may be the doing, or undoing, of the Philadelphia Fiascoes. [ominous music playing]
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
Okay. So, Steve says that this paper is a stack of magical parchment. You write a message on the magical paper and say the name of the god that you would like to talk to and then the paper folds into a... [gasps] Oh, my God, yes!
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
A paper bird. And it flies to the god. [Super Hero Eugene] Well, that's kinda cute. Hey, what about demigods? Uh, you know, like, Wonder Woman? Do you think she's accepting bird letters right now?
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
[Freddy] I'm sorry, I'm sorry, just, just save yourself. No, no, all or none. We stick together. And that you will because you cannot leave. Let's see how you like being sealed off in a dying world.
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
[superhero Mary] "Power of elements. Power of chaos. Power of axis." These are primordial forces. I don't know how we fight powers like this. I tell you how we fight it. With the wisdom of...
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
-Holy sh... -[wizard] Shh! -[gasps] -[wizard] I'm trying to sleep. It is the only escape from the tortures here. Okay. Bleak.
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
Hmm. [foreboding music playing]
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
[Freddy] No! No! Freddy!
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
We will die here, Freeby. It's Freddy, by the way. "Freeby"? Where do you even... The sooner you accept it, the easier it will be. Is this a tooth? There's a tooth in here!
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
[Hespera] Child, I will spare your life if you're honest with me. Honesty. Yeah, wow, very, um, ironic subject choice.
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
Letter... Letter, writing a letter. No, no, no! I was just talking out loud. That's not a part of the letter. Wad that up, too.
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
[wizard and Freddy screaming] -[wizard groans] -[Freddy coughing]