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They will go to an Internet cafe... and e-mail the remaining MasterBuilders... who will meet us in the secret realm of Cloud Cuckooland.
The Lego Movie
Piano man... mope" UP- Your training begins later!
The Lego Movie
Cuckooland? Wait. What happened to that whole training part?
The Lego Movie
We need to attach the wheel to something that spins around.
The Lego Movie
- Whew. I think we're in the clear. - Freeze, turkeys.
The Lego Movie
All I want is the Piece of Resistance.
The Lego Movie
Your training begins now.
The Lego Movie
I can feel you. Whoo! Nothing's gonna stop me now.
The Lego Movie
The pipes are calling...
The Lego Movie
I would not rather he died.
The Lego Movie
Sorry, street.
The Lego Movie
We need to meet up with Vitruvius...
The Lego Movie
Friends, welcome to Cloud Cuckooland. Now...
The Lego Movie
He would like you to come to his office immediately. Copy that.
The Lego Movie
I hope there's still a Good Cop in me somewhere.
The Lego Movie
The Lego Movie
Downloading latest episode of Where Are My Pants?
The Lego Movie